Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is defined by U.S. immigration regulations as “alternate work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum which is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the schools.”  [8CFR 214.2(f)(10)(i)].

If you are considering an unpaid internship, please read about unpaid employment on the F-1 Student Employment page.

  • CPT Workshop

    You can learn more about CPT by attending one of our CPT workshops. Register for an upcoming workshop in iCats, under “Session Sign-Ups”.

  • Advising Options

    You can also learn about CPT by talking with an international student advisor. Please review our drop-in advising page for more information. . 

CPT Eligibility

Since CPT is a benefit of the F-1 visa, ISSS reviews eligibility and grants permission for students to engage in practical experience required by their program of study.  

Due to the complexity of CPT, students are required to meet wtih an advisor or attend a CPT workshop before you can be granted CPT. 

CPT Eligibility Conditions

To be eligible for CPT and receive permission, the following conditions must be met:

  • The student must have been enrolled full-time for at least one academic year, and must be maintaining F-1 status.
    • Please Note: A graduate student whose degree program requires immediate participation in practical training may waive the one year of enrollment requirement.
  • The student must complete the CPT prior to completing all the requirements for their program of study. ISSS requires verification from the student’s college or department chair that they have not completed all requirements for the degree program.
  • The CPT must be an integral part of an established curriculum based on one of the following criteria:
    • Option 1 :  The work is required of all students in the program of study
      • The requirement must be stated in the degree catalog
    • Option 2 :  The work is required for a particular course
      • The work must be related to the major field of study listed on the I-20 form
      • The course credits must be housed under the academic department that also houses the degree
    • Option 3 - Graduate Students Only :  The work is necessary for the successful completion of a graduate thesis or dissertation
      • The student’s department will need to provide an explanation of how the experience will contribute directly and substantially to the thesis or dissertation
      • The student must register in at least one research credit while on CPT
      • CPT will not be granted during the semester the student plans to defend the thesis or dissertation

Important Details To Note About CPT

Because CPT is complicated and must meet specific requirements, the ISSS team recommends reviewing and noting these important details:

  • Don't start working without authorization: CPT is granted for a specific job, for specific dates.  Students can never begin working until they have received the CPT I-20 form and the start date has arrived.
  • Approval is required each semester: CPT can only be granted for one semester at a time.  If there is an academic need for additional time, a new request must be made. 
  • Dates must correspond: CPT dates should fall within the semester the student is enrolled in the corresponding internship/research course.
  • Full-time enrollment required: Students must continue to meet the full-time enrollment requirements while on CPT.
  • CPT is non-transferable: CPT cannot be transferred to another employer or job.  Any changes require a new application.
  • Full-time or part-time: CPT is granted as part-time (20 hours or less per week) or full-time (more than 20 hours per week).
  • CPT may impact OPT eligibility: A student who uses 12 months or more of full-time CPT will not be eligible to engage in Optional Practical Training (OPT). Anything less than 12 months, or any part-time CPT, has no impact on OPT eligibility.

How To Apply

Applying for CPT involves many steps and collecting various required materials from multiple people. Please read through all steps and information carefully.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact an ISSS advisor. 

Important Note: Final review for requests can take up to 10 business days to process. 

Application Steps

  1. Attend a CPT workshop or meet with an ISSS International Student Advisor and review your CPT eligibility. Obtain a Recommendation for Curricular Practical Training form and (if applicable) a CPT Supplemental Form. (These forms are not available online. They will only be provided when you meet with an advisor or attend a CPT workshop.)
  2. Meet with the appropriate official in your department to discuss your CPT eligibility.
  3. If eligible for CPT, start applying for internship opportunities that will meet your program’s requirements. 
  4. Obtain a job offer letter from your prospective employer. It must be printed on the company’s letterhead; be addressed to you; be signed by the employer; and contain the following information: 
    1. Job title
    2. Start and end date of employment
    3. Number of hours of work per week
    4. Place of employment
    5. Brief description of work
  5. Once you obtain a job offer letter, meet with the appropriate official in your department again to ask them to complete the Recommendation for CPT form and (if appropriate) the CPT Supplemental Form. This person will need a copy of your job offer letter to complete the form(s). 
  6. Register for the internship course indicated on the Recommendation for Curricular Practical Training form for the academic term in which you are pursuing CPT.
  7. Submit the "CPT: Curricular Practical Training Request" e-form in iCats.  You will need to upload PDF versions of the following:
    1. Job offer letter
    2. Recommendation for Curricular Practical Training form
    3. If applicable, CPT Supplemental Form [PDF]
  8. Wait to receive an I-20 that shows your CPT approval on page. Do not start working until you receive this form!

After You Apply – Next Steps

After you apply for CPT, you must wait to start working until you receive your CPT I-20 and the start date has arrived. Remember, CPT is for a specific duration only and for a specific organization only. You must not perform any work outside of those dates or with any other organization. 

Important note: You must obtain work authorization to work off campus. Working off-campus without work authorization is a violation of status.