Research Scholar and Professor categories are generally used for long-term visits to the University for academic exchange and collaboration. Learn more about category details and how research scholars and professors can maintain their visa status.
Inviting a J-1 Scholar
Ohio University has a long tradition of bringing international visitors to campus for academic exchange. The information on this page pertains to the J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa program. Ohio University has been granted permission by the U.S. Department of State to sponsor visitors on this program.
Departmental Responsibilities
Ohio University is committed to the free and open exchange of ideas to the maximum extent possible under the law, and hosting international visitors is one way that Ohio University continues to nurture the growth of borderless knowledge and the development of influential technology.
OHIO is also committed to full compliance with U.S. export controls, from both a technology and an end-user perspective.
Compliance with U.S. Export Controls
International visitors to the Ohio University campuses — whether research scholar, graduate student, special guest or collaborating professor — require additional oversight and effort to ensure their presence is compliant with OHIO policies and research security.
There are a small number of foreign universities for which the U.S. government has identified increasing risks to U.S. national security. Visiting scholars from these universities can increase the risk of an export controls infraction across the spectrum of modalities; from the physical shipment of export-controlled equipment and materials to the transmission of software code and/or release of technical data.
OHIO Research Export Compliance
OHIO expects and requires all visiting scholars to abide by U.S. laws and regulations during their presence on campus. To prevent inadvertent violation of U.S. export controls, visiting scholars are not permitted to participate in sensitive, proprietary or confidential research programs without explicit authorization from the OHIO Export Compliance Officer. To learn more about export controls, please see Export Compliance webpage.
Scholar Types and Details
Student Intern Visa
The Student Intern Visa category is intended to support internships that are part of a foreign degree program. Learn more about category details and how student interns can maintain their visa status.
Short-Term Scholar Visa
The Short-Term Scholar Visa category is generally used for short visits to the University for the purposes of academic exchange and collaboration. Learn more about category details and how short-term scholars can maintain their visa status.
Step 1: Determine if the Visitor Needs a J-1 Visa
In some limited instances, the J-1 visa may not be necessary. A visitor may be able to use the Temporary Visitor for Business (B-1) visa, or the Visa Waiver program, to conduct activities at OHIO.
There is another J-1 visa option specific to visitors pursuing a degree at a foreign university and wishing to fulfill a required internship at OHIO. Please contact ISSS for additional information if you believe this visa may be appropriate.
If none of these options seem appropriate for your visitor, you may need to consult with the Office of Legal Affairs about the possibility of other visa types.
To determine if your visitor will require J-1 visa sponsorship by OHIO, please review the J-1 Visa Determination chart.
J-1 Visa Determination Table
J-1 Research Scholar | J-1 Professor | J-1 Short-term Scholar | B-1/Visa Waiver | |
Appropriate Activities | This category is for a foreign national who enters the United States for the primary purpose of conducting research, observing or consulting in connection with research projects. (Teaching is allowed if sponsor allows) | This category is for a foreign national who enters the United States for the primary purpose of teaching, lecturing, observing or consulting. (Research is allowed) | Collaborative research, teaching (NOT tenure track), consultation, cultural exchange, observation, demonstration of special skills | Conference attendance, meeting to formalize agreements, independent research (with no benefit to OHIO), observation (with no participation) |
Length | Minimum: 3 weeks, Maximum 5 years | Minimum: 3 weeks, Maximum 5 years | No minimum, Maximum of 6 months | Generally 6 months for B-1 and 90 days for Visa Waiver; Officer at the Port of Entry has discretion to reduce length |
Compensation Options | May receive a salary or other type of payment, or may be self-funded | May receive a salary or other type of payment, or may be self-funded. No tenure track positions allowed. | May receive a salary or other type of payment, or may be self-funded | May receive reimbursement for reasonable expenses related to activities. May receive honorarium ONLY IF the visit at OHIO is 9 days or less AND the visitor has not received honoraria from more than 5 other US institutions in the past 6 months |
Health Insurance Requirements | Mandatory, policy requirements set by federal regulation | Mandatory, policy requirements set by federal regulation | Mandatory, policy requirements set by federal regulation | None, though travel insurance is highly recommended |
Social Security Number Eligibility | Eligible | Eligible | Eligible | Not eligible |
Fees for Visitor | $220 SEVIS fee + embassy appointment fees | $220 SEVIS fee + embassy appointment fees | $220 SEVIS fee + embassy appointment fees | Embassy appointment fees for B-1 visa or ESTA fee for Visa Waiver |
ISSS Role | Application must be completed in iCats online portal; ISSS will prepare visa paperwork within 5 business days | Application must be completed in iCats online portal; ISSS will prepare visa paperwork within 5 business days | Application must be completed in iCats online portal; ISSS will prepare visa paperwork within 5 business days | No ISSS involvement, host department provides invitation letter |
Impact on Future US Travel | Subject to 24 month bar on repeat participation; may be subject to two year home residency requirement | Subject to 24 month bar on repeat participation; may be subject to two year home residency requirement | May be subject to two year home residency requirement | None |
Spousal benefits | Spouse on J-2 visa is eligible to apply for work authorization | Spouse on J-2 visa is eligible to apply for work authorization | Spouse on J-2 visa is eligible to apply for work authorization, but may not be practical | There are no dependent visa options |
Restrictions | Visitor cannot have held J-1 Research Scholar or Professor status within past 24 months (unless transferring active record), cannot have held any J status other than Short-Term Scholar in past 12 months | Visitor cannot have held J-1 Research Scholar or Professor status within past 24 months (unless transferring active record), cannot have held any J status other than Short-Term Scholar in past 12 months | None | None, but visitor must be sure to obtain B-1 (business) visa, not B-2 (tourist) visa |
Step 2: Review Additional J-1 Visa Requirements
Aside from the information, requirements and restrictions outlined in the J-1 Visa Determination Table, individuals with a J-1 Visa must meet additional requirements.
Obtain Compliant Health Insurance
International visitors included in the Exchange Visitor Program must comply with the Department of State regulations regarding health insurance. This includes any dependents who accompany the visitor.
Please note that Ohio University's employee health insurance plan does not meet the J visa requirements due to the deductible amount. Paid employees on the J visa will still be required to purchase alternate/additional coverage.
Review the health insurance page to learn more about health insurance requirements for individuals with a J visa.
Provide Financial Support Documents
International visitors included in the Exchange Visitor Program must provide financial documents for themselves and any accompanying dependents. Any financial support/salary from Ohio University should be included.
Meet the Two-Year Home Residency Requirement
Certain international visitors included in the Exchange Visitor Program will be subject to a requirement that they return to their home country for two years before being allowed to return to the U.S. in certain immigration statuses.
This requirement is most common for international visitors receiving financial support from their home government or the U.S. government and for international visitors on their country’s “Skills List”.
Demonstrate English Language Proficiency
Federal regulation requires Ohio University to assess a prospective Exchange Visitor’s level of English proficiency to ensure the Exchange Visitor possesses “sufficient proficiency in the English language, as determined by an objective measurement of English language proficiency, successfully to participate in his or her program and to function on a day-to-day basis.”
The department hosting the Exchange Visitor must assess the individual’s English language proficiency as part of the application process. Departments can choose one of the options below:
- Provide the results of a recognized English proficiency test (TOEFL, IELTs, etc.) demonstrating that the Exchange Visitor’s proficiency meets or exceeds the program's requirement*. Test results must be no more than three years old; include the test results with the Exchange Visitor application.
- Provide a signed document from an academic institution or English language school verifying the Exchange Visitor’s English proficiency meets or exceeds the program's requirement*. The letter must be no more than three years old; a copy of the letter should be included with the Exchange Visitor application.
- Provide a written summary of an in-person, video conference, or telephone interview of the Exchange Visitor demonstrating that the Exchange Visitor’s proficiency meets or exceeds the program requirement*.
The Physics Department created a helpful guidance document, which we are sharing with their permission. This document is only intended to serve as a downloadable, printable resource.
Guidance Document (opens in a new window)
*The regulations do not specify the level of proficiency that must be demonstrated. Instead, the department needs to evaluate whether the visitor has the skills needed to successfully communicate within the department and in the greater community.
J-1 Visa Application Process
If you have determined your prospective visitor needs a J-1 visa, learn how to invite them to OHIO and complete the J-1 Visitor Application. Additionally, you can learn more about their next steps after they arrive to campus or how to request an extension.