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Since its opening in the early 1800s, OHIO’s University Libraries has grown from a few volumes to over three-million volumes.

Today, we serve thousands of students, faculty, and staff and act as an international resource through our services in the Library and online. We are ranked in the top 100+ research libraries in North America and are a member of the prestigious Association of Research Libraries.

Dr. Vernon R. Alden

Dr. Vernon R. Alden, 15th president of Ohio University, once said, “The Library is far more than a collection of books or a building. It is the intellectual heart of the university, a vital element of university life with an essential role in teaching, learning and research.”

As the university continues to grow, Ohio University Libraries strives to continue to be a place that cultivates student and faculty academic success.

When you support the Libraries, you support Ohio University faculty and students reach their full academic potential by aiding them in their teaching, learning and research. You can focus your gift on what you love through our different endowments. Every gift makes a difference.

Ways to Give


You get to choose where to designate your gift. There are several options within University Libraries. First, select your fund. Then, fill out a quick and secure online form to complete your gift. You may use your debit card or credit card and rest easy knowing that we protect your information.

Give Online (opens in a new window)

By Phone

Keep it Simple. Call 800.592.3863 to connect directly to an Ohio University Libraries assignee. They will be able to answer questions about designations, areas or Libraries needs. After the phone call you may choose to mail in your gift or use the online option.

By Mail

Neither rain nor snow nor dark of night will hold up your gift by mail! Please make your check out to: Ohio University Foundation. If you wish to designate your gift to a specific endowment or fund, please write in the memo line of your check: Alden Library and the name of fund. 

Mail to:
The Ohio University Foundation
P.O. Box 869
Athens, OH 45701


If you have any additional inquiries about supporting OHIO Libraries, please contact Misti Smith, associate director of Development.