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Media Recording Kits & Equipment

Faculty, staff and students may borrow media recording kits to record themselves delivering lectures, spoken presentations, or other materials for instruction. Each kit includes:

  • Digital video camera with tripod, memory card, USB card adapter, and rechargeable batteries
  • Wireless lavalier (lapel) microphone
  • Podcast-quality USB microphone
  • Over-ear headphones
  • Portable green screen with stand

Kits may be borrowed for up to two weeks. A limited number of individual kit components are also available for checkout. Visit the 2nd Floor Service Desk in Alden Library to check out a kit or individual component. Use the links below to check availability and review instructions for using the kits. If you run into technical difficulties and need assistance, please call (740) 593-2699.   

Check availability

Using the Kit (opens in a new window) 


Additionally, a USB document camera is available for those who wish to incorporate images of books and other objects into a multimedia presentation. Check availability using the links above.

Using the Document Camera (opens in a new window)