History Major (B.A.)
Program Overview
As a history major at Ohio University, you will have the opportunity to work with full-time faculty who are noted for their exceptional teaching abilities and have reputations as accomplished scholars. Each faculty member seeks to inspire their students to explore important and fascinating aspects of the discipline of history. Courses in American, European, African, Asian, Latin American, Southeast Asian, and Middle Eastern history are offered, presenting the student with a wealth of possibilities not found in many history departments.
Admissions Information
Freshman/First-Year Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Change of Program Policy
No selective or limited admission requirements.
External Transfer Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Opportunities Upon Graduation
The study of history at the undergraduate level, if pursued with vigor and dedication, will give you the ability to work successfully in any setting that puts a premium on analysis, strategic thinking, written communication, and information gathering. History majors at Ohio University have gone on to successful careers in business, government service, publishing, teaching, consulting, medicine, law, and museum work. Several recent generous donations given to the department by former students further testify to the fact that pursuing a degree in history at Ohio University can lead to future success.
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