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Theater Major (B.A.)

Program Overview

This curriculum is intended to serve students who want both a theater major and a broad liberal arts foundation for their university education. It includes a study of theater in the context of human concerns and activities by establishing a solid foundation of coursework in the humanities, sciences, cultures, and languages. It recognizes that many students in the major possess varied talents and interests. Students will benefit from the rigorous artistic demands made by courses in areas of specialty in the School of Theater, while also meeting the challenges of a liberal arts education. Although you are encouraged to select courses that provide an emphasis for your work, students will not major in any one area of theater or concentrate exclusively on any one area of interest. All theater majors are required to attain a grade of C (2.0) or better in any theater course required for graduation.

The B.A. program also provides an opportunity to major in more than one discipline. Second majors such as English, history, creative writing, journalism, music, criminal justice administration, pre-law, and sociology have been successful choices.

Admissions Information

Freshman/First-Year Admission

No requirements beyond University admission requirements.

Change of Program Policy

No selective or limited admission requirements.

External Transfer Admission

No requirements beyond University admission requirements.

Opportunities Upon Graduation

One of the goals of the B.A. in theater is the preparation of the most gifted students for successful admission to graduate schools or other advanced training in theater or other areas. However, even if you do not wish to extend your studies beyond the baccalaureate level, the B.A. in theater addresses both the quality and the diversity of your studies. 

Academic Catalog

The academic catalog provides additional information about curriculum and courses for this major.
Academic Catalog

Program Details

Bachelor of Arts


Administrative Contact

Merri Biechler, contact person