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Religious Studies Major (B.A.)

Program Overview

Religious texts, beliefs, and practices are central to being human, as is conflict over religion. Religious Studies majors acquire both a theoretical knowledge of the components and dynamics of religions and a specific knowledge of religious ideas and pratices. Our courses cover Judaism, early Christianity, Greek and Roman religions, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Each student chooses an area of specialization, and learns a foreign language connected with that specialization. Students in the Religious Studies major have also majored in English, history, and sociology. Religious Studies majors with a GPA of 3.5 or higher can complete a departmental honors thesis in one or two terms for 3-6 credit hours in addition to the regular requirements for the major. Preapproved application and interview required.

*This program was previously BA5215 - World Religions. Students entering either under either name/code in the 2024-25 catalog year will have the same requirements, which are listed below.

Admissions Information

Freshman/First-Year Admission

No requirements beyond University admission requirements.

Change of Program Policy

No selective or limited admission requirements.

External Transfer Admission

No requirements beyond University admission requirements.

Opportunities Upon Graduation

The demand for people knowledgeable in the religions of this increasingly smaller globe is growing, and the United States is also becoming increasingly diverse religiously. Expertise in the study of a number of religious traditions benefits students preparing for careers in journalism, politics, and business. It can also be part of one's preparation for leadership in religious communities. Often pre-professionals are encouraged to pursue a broad liberal arts education in which religious studies may be a significant component. Courses in religious studies are also of interest to many graduate programs. Our graduates have gone on to further study in religious studies and theology graduate programs. Outside academia, Religious Studies graduates have gone on to work abroad in the Peace Corps and for NGOs; others have become counselors and therapists; others have entered into business careers and work in government.

Students can also browse through dozens of internship opportunities and full-time job postings for Ohio University students and alumni on Handshake, OHIO's key resource for researching jobs, employers, and workshops and events for professional development.

Academic Catalog

The academic catalog provides additional information about curriculum and courses for this major.
Academic Catalog

Program Details

Bachelor of Arts


Administrative Contact

Brian Collins, contact person