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Music Composition Major (B.Mus.)

Program Overview

The curriculum is designed to prepare exceptionally talented students for careers as theorists or composers, or for continued study or graduate work in theory or composition. The curriculum focuses on basic musicianship skills; analytical, aural, and writing skills; compositional facility and technique; and the acquisition of a historical perspective on, and basic knowledge of, technological innovations in the field.

Admissions Information

Freshman/First-Year Admission

All entering freshmen must meet University admission requirements. In addition, any student intending to major in any program offered by the School of Music must successfully audition on their instrument or voice. Also, entering freshmen will be required to take a Music Theory Placement Examination. Composition majors are also required to submit sample compositions to the composition faculty.

Change of Program Policy

Any Ohio University student intending to change his or her major to any program in the School of Music must successfully audition on their instrument or voice. Students without previous college-level coursework in music theory will be required to take a Music Theory Placement Examination. Composition majors are also required to submit sample compositions to the composition faculty.

External Transfer Admission

Students transferring from any other college or university intending to major in any program in the School of Music must successfully audition on their instrument or voice. Students without previous college-level coursework in music theory will be required to take a Music Theory Placement Examination. Composition majors are also required to submit sample compositions to the composition faculty.

Opportunities Upon Graduation

Students completing a B. Mus. with a major in composition work successfully as freelance musicians and are also prepared to continue graduate work at institutions across the United States and overseas.

Academic Catalog

The academic catalog provides additional information about curriculum and courses for this major.
Academic Catalog

Program Details

Bachelor of Music


Administrative Contact

Christopher Fisher, contact person