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Physics—Applied Physics Major (B.S.)

Program Overview

The B.S. degree in applied physics provides comprehensive introductory courses in physics, as well as practical courses in engineering, biology, or economics/business. Students graduating with this degree will have a good understanding of Newtonian mechanics and modern physics, as well as discipline-specific courses that are agreed upon between the student and his/her advisor. Students will also gain useful skills from physics laboratory and computer programming courses.

Admissions Information

Freshman/First-Year Admission

No requirements beyond University admission requirements. However, it is recommended that students entering the program have at least a Math Placement Level II, or an ACT Math score of 24, or a SAT Math score of 560.

Change of Program Policy

No selective or limited admission requirements. However, it is recommended that students changing into the program have at least a Math Placement Level II, or an ACT Math score of 24, or a SAT Math score of 560.

External Transfer Admission

No requirements beyond University admission requirements. However, it is recommended that students transferring into the program have at least a Math Placement Level II, or an ACT Math score of 24, or a SAT Math score of 560.

Opportunities Upon Graduation

With a B.S. degree in applied physics, graduates receive the essential academic preparation needed for access to competitive graduate school programs. They are also qualified for careers in industry and government, with an emphasis on engineering physics, medical biophysics or quantitative finance, depending on the individual classes on the student's transcript. Potential employers of those with a physics degree include, but are not limited to, the following: institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, research centers, hospitals, the environmental industry, the electronic industry, public and private K-12 school systems, government entities, etc. In addition, this degree prepares students for a master's degree at the graduate level.

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Academic Catalog

The academic catalog provides additional information about curriculum and courses for this major.
Academic Catalog

Program Details

Bachelor of Science


Administrative Contact

David Tees, contact person