Merging Concepts

April 15, 2016

West Galleries

This transdisciplinary exhibition was planned and executed by students in the 2015-2016 Museum Studies Certificate Program. The students, all enrolled in Museum Fundamentals II, divided into four teams with each being responsible for one exhibition area. Each team began with a primary object, which inspired the development of a concept or “big idea.” Additional objects were then selected and interpreted by individual students to support and provide greater context to their team’s big idea.

A major component and goal was to produce an exhibition that introduced objects from various collections within the region. Together, the objects lend themselves to an array of storytelling possibilities. Research and discoveries about each object informed the narratives. As a result, every area presents a focused theme along with a unique interpretation and perspective.

Depending on individual interests, students elected to participate in a specialist group correlating with museum departments and staff positions. These included education, design, and registration/installation. This provided students with a special opportunity to experience first-hand the scope and processes involved in exhibition development.