Teec Nos Pos Rug

Teec Nos Pos Rug
Unknown weaver
1930 – 40
Bob: The foreground/background is interesting—you can see submerged octagons in the center and even submerged hexagons. The many smaller rotational symmetries make this a very “active” design.
Shimá/Henry: This weaving was done in a good time for the family. There is a lot of expression about hope and prosperity and goodness for that home. There is a duality and the weaver uses that duality symbolically to represent harmony, Mother Earth and Father Sky working in harmony so there will be prosperity for the people, for animals. The (reflection) symmetry, you get by folding, is bringing together the duality of man and woman to create life for a family. The weaver was really happy when they wove this because of all the colors—multiple colors that were brought in.