OHIO students welcome area children into their residence halls for tRAC-or-Treat (PHOTOS)
Halloween came a little early for area children thanks to Ohio University’s residence hall association and Bobcats living on the Athens Campus.
The Residents’ Action Council (tRAC) hosted its annual tRAC-or-Treat the evenings of Oct. 23-25, allowing area children an opportunity to practice their trick-or-treating skills before the big day and experience a little bit of residence life on OHIO’s Athens Campus. The event was spread out over three days with tRAC-or-Treaters invited into residence halls on OHIO’s East Green on Oct. 23, West Green on Oct. 24 and South Green on Oct. 25.
Students residing in 28 residence halls on those greens decorated their homes away from home in the days leading up to the event. Washington Hall was one of 11 residence halls on East Green to showcase its Halloween spirit, with residents there setting up a full-sized “Candy Land” complete with a cotton candy machine and a throne for all the princes, princesses and other characters who showed up for the festivities. Ohio University President M. Duane Nellis and Vice President for Student Affairs and Interim Chief Diversity Officer Jason Pina even took a turn on the royal seat.
South Green’s Adams Hall embraced its name and went with a theme based on the television show “The Addams Family” while another residence hall catered to “Star Wars” fans with a “Star Wars”-themed room completed with strobing lights.
Henry Thobe, president of the Brown Hall Council, said he loves being a part of tRAC-or-Treat because of “the holiday spirit and sense of community” displayed throughout the event. The festivities at Brown Hall included a popcorn machine and spooky music.
In addition to collecting sweet treats, tRAC-or-Treaters were treated to fun games and some of the amenities, like ping pong tables, available in OHIO’s residence halls. At West Green’s James Hall, tRAC-or-Treaters participated in a Halloween-themed ring toss. The University’s Student Alumni Board got in on the action by passing out candy and hosting a game where tRAC-or-Treaters were challenged to not touch “the lasers.”
“My favorite part of tRAC-or-Treat is the scope of people we can impact,” said Addie Brown, vice president of marketing for tRAC, “and that we’re able to bring so many of the children into this.”
A registered student organization, tRAC was created in the 1990s as a means of uniting students in OHIO’s residence halls and providing them an active voice and improving relations with the University’s administration. Jim Sand, assistant director for West Green who founded tRAC, noted that in addition to providing and supporting social, cultural, recreational and educational programming for on-campus students, tRAC engages in outreach to the local community. Among its community outreach efforts are hosting tRAC-or-Treat and participating in Athens County Children Services’ annual Santa Tree Project.
“I just love giving back to campus and the surrounding community,” said Kacia Robinson, programming chair for tRAC.
Here are some photos from this year’s tRAC-or-Treat:

undefinedElla Nielsen-Tucker, 8, (left) and Genevieve Nielsen-Tucker, 6, play ring toss during tRAC-or-Treat in James Hall on Oct. 24.

undefinedTao Yuan watches his son Andy Yuan, 8, and daughter Emma Yuan, 11, play ping pong during tRAC-or-Treat in James Hall on Oct. 24.

undefinedJasper Hazlett, 4, picks out candy with his mom, Amber Hazlett, during tRAC-or-Treat in James Hall on Oct. 24.

undefinedMembers of the James Hall Council pose for a picture during tRAC-or-Treat. For more information on tRAC, visit http://www.ohiotrac.com/ or the organization’s Twitter page at @OUtRAC where you can see additional photos from this year’s tRAC-or-Treat.