Classified Senate to host Nicole J. Phillips “Created for Kindness” talk Jan. 10

Photo courtesy of: Nicole J. PhillipsNicole J. Phillips
The Ohio University community is invited to kick off the new year with kindness.
Ohio University Classified Senate will host Nicole J. Phillips’ “Created for Kindness” presentation from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 10, in the Walter Hall Rotunda. The event is free and open to the public.
Phillips, the wife of Ohio University Head Men’s Basketball Coach Saul Phillips, said she uses kindness to overcome all of life’s difficulties, including her own battle with breast cancer.
She said that the month of January is the perfect time to talk about kindness.
“I hope more than anything to remind people that our brains are constantly changing and it is possible to create new thoughts and pathways. It is possible to teach yourself to see the silver lining in any given situation,” Phillips said.
Phillips has teamed up with WOUB to host a weekly podcast titled, “The Kindness Podcast,” and she also writes a weekly column titled, “Kindness is Contagious,” which runs in newspapers in North Dakota and Minnesota.
Phillips’ also wrote a new book titled, “Kindness is Contagious: 100 Stories to Remind You God is Good and So are Most,” which has real life stories sent in by kindness lovers from across the United States for original publication in The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead newspaper.
Adam Grimm, a Classified Senate member, said Classified Senate’s professional development and public relations committee decided to host Phillips’ talk because of her positive message.
“The University community should attend this event because we all go through tough times whether professionally or personally, and being kind is one thing we can all do to make the world a better place,” Grimm said.
Check out for more information about Phillips and visit to listen to “The Kindness Podcasts.”