Human Resources offers reasonable suspicion training
In an effort to further our efforts for well-rounded, proactive service from the human resource liaison team to campus, we are providing information about reasonable suspicion training, which is available to all units across our campuses.
Ohio University supports and will maintain a drug-free working and living environment to provide for the health and safety of students, employees, and visitors. As noted in Policy 41.133, employees are strictly prohibited to use, possess, manufacture or distribute drugs and/alcohol, or be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, while in the workplace or in University vehicles and equipment and while on duty. This includes the misuse or inappropriate use of prescription medications and drugs.
As part of our mission to support units in maintaining such spaces, University Human Resources provides support and guidance to units for the rare instances in which there is reasonable suspicion that an employee is in violation of Policy 41.133. While one-on-one counsel is always available through any unit’s HR Liaison, University Human Resources has also published a general overview of process, relevant forms, information regarding training, and other useful tips on the Reasonable Suspicion website (opens in a new window).
For the sake of preparedness, unit managers at all levels are encouraged to take proactive measures by reviewing this information and arranging for training. During this rollout period, three central training sessions will be open to campus and registration is available online (opens in a new window). In the future, training will be available on a semi-annual basis and by request for groups of ten or more. For more information, please contact your HR Liaison.