Board of Trustees to consider third phase of Clippinger renovation during October meetings

The Ohio University Board of Trustees will consider the final phase of the Clippinger Renovation Strategy and receive budget and enrollment updates during its meetings on Oct. 8 and 9.
In addition, President M. Duane Nellis will provide an update on Phase 2 of the campus reopening, including the University’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The meetings will be held from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. Oct. 8 and 8 a.m. until noon Oct. 9 and will be streamed online for media and public access. The meetings will be conducted online in accordance with Ohio House Bill 197, which allows for public meetings to be conducted in an online environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic through Dec. 1, 2020.
Clippinger Renovation Strategy
When: Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, Oct. 9
The Board will consider the approval of the third and final phase of the Clippinger Renovation Strategy. The project would finalize the renovation and modernization of Clippinger Laboratories, significantly extending the building’s useful life. The project would include addressing deferred maintenance, replacing mechanical, electrical and plumbing services on the west side of the building and reprogramming the interior space assignments to fit current needs.
The project is estimated to cost $28.66 million. If approved, design would begin in 2021, with construction beginning in the second half of 2022 and being completed in Fiscal Year 2024.
The first two phases of the Clippinger Renovation Strategy include construction of the new Chemistry Building, which is nearing completion, and renovation of the eastern portion of Clippinger. The project would be funded by Century Bond deferred maintenance funds, internal bank financing and state appropriations.
Service mission updates
When: Academics and Student Success Committee, Oct. 8
Leadership of the College of Health Sciences and Professions will provide an update on the college’s efforts to establish community engagement as a defining feature of its culture. They will review a pair of investments in community engagement, the Ohio Alliance for Innovation in Population Health and the Office of Community Engagement, and the results achieved by both so far.
In addition, the Board will consider a resolution that changes the name of the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs to the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service to better reflect the school’s and university’s emphasis on service to the community.
Enrollment update
When: Academics and Student Success Committee, Oct. 8
University leadership will provide an update on preliminary Fall 2020 enrollment census data, compared with historical enrollment and planning projections. Highlights will include updates on the enrollment impacts of the OHIO Honors Program and alternative pathways offered for Fall 2020, as well as discussion of the evolving enrollment landscape, current and future outlook, key market forces, and ongoing planning efforts for 2021 and beyond.
Financial update
When: Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, Oct. 9
Leadership will provide an update on OHIO’s FY20 year-end results and a summary of the variances in the FY20 forecast and the actual figures. The update will focus on how the final Fall 2020 enrollments are forecast to impact the University’s revenues.
Strategic Framework Update
When: Academics and Student Success Committee, Oct. 8
University leadership will provide an update on the University’s Strategic Framework, including efforts to amplify research and creative activity. Academic colleges, in collaboration with the office of the Vice President of Research and Creative Activity, have made significant progress toward multiple goals identified in this strategic initiative, including increased applied research, support for strategic research positions, expanded research infrastructure, expanded partnerships with community partners and government entities, and more.
Community Standards/Clery Report
When: Academics and Student Success Committee, Oct. 8
University leadership will present the annual four-year comparison of conduct cases and offenses. The overall case load was down due to the coronavirus pandemic, and alcohol and marijuana cases continued to decline.
The Board will also receive the University’s 2020 Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report*, collectively known as the annual Clery Act compliance reports. The reports include calendar years 2017-2019 and will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Education.
(*Note – the U.S. Department of Education has delayed filing of the 2020 Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report to November 18 due to the pandemic).
The full agenda for the Oct. 8-9 Board of Trustees meetings can be found on the Trustees’ website. The board meeting will be streamed here on Oct. 8 and here on Oct. 9.