News and Announcements

Ohio University announces plans for virtual spring commencement 2021

Ohio University is making plans to hold virtual ceremonies for spring 2021 graduates. 

Current state regulations (opens in a new window) and the continuing public health risk posed by large gatherings unfortunately prohibit the University from hosting its traditional in-person commencement ceremonies this spring.

Ohio University will continue to monitor changes to state guidelines for gatherings as well as progress in the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the University will be prepared to reconsider in-person commencement celebrations if there is a substantial change in the state’s public health situation in the coming weeks.

“We understand that this news is disappointing for our spring graduates and their families,” Ohio University President M. Duane Nellis said. “Commencement is the most important day in the life of a college student. It is a culmination of their hard work and dedication to reach an important milestone, an effort that has only been made more challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic.” 

OHIO’s commencement planning team is working diligently to create a virtual experience that honors each of our graduates and captures the spirit and energy of our traditional ceremonies. The Ohio University Office of Conference and Event Services will be contacting spring graduates in the coming weeks with more information on how to have your name and photo included in a virtual ceremony.

“We understand, value, and appreciate the importance of commencement and the role it plays in recognizing and celebrating significant achievements,” President Nellis said. “While we will plan for our May commencement ceremony to be virtual, we are committed to ensuring our graduates feel our support and that their accomplishments are celebrated regardless of the format of the events.”

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January 19, 2021
Staff reports