OHIO experts discuss how Hip-Hop has shaped activism, black culture and education

In honor of Black History Month, Ohio University professors discussed the origins of Hip-Hop and how over the last 50 years it has influenced black culture, activism and education in the latest Ask the Experts livestream. The experts emphasized how Hip-Hop is made of several different elements and is essentially artists creating something new out of nothing. They also included how many Hip-Hop artists have brought their experiences in life, such as racial injustice, to light through their lyrics since Hip-Hop began.
The discussion can be viewed on the Ohio University YouTube channel and below.
The discussion featured Akil Houston, professor of cultural and media studies in the College of Arts and Sciences and Jason Rawls, instructor in the College of Education at OHIO’s Zanesville campus.
Samantha Pelham, OHIO media relations specialist, moderated the discussion, which included questions from the general public posted to OHIO’s social media channels.
Panel discussions on topical issues, which include opportunities for University and community engagement, are hosted regularly on the University’s Facebook and YouTube page.