Emerging Leaders partner with alumnus Bill Lombardo to help shape future leaders
The Emerging Leaders had the opportunity to participate in the CASA Mindset for Empowering Leaders program to provide alumnus Bill Lombardo with feedback on ways to improve the program and to determine its potential use for students and recent graduates.

The Emerging Leaders had the opportunity to participate in the CASA Mindset for Empowering Leaders program to provide alumnus Bill Lombardo with feedback on ways to improve the program and to determine its potential use for students and recent graduates.
By Bri Schoepf
Bill Lombardo, Ohio University alumnus, is an executive coach, author of The American Dream is a Mindset, and managing partner of LCS Solutions, LLC, which developed the CASA Mindset for Empowering Leaders program. Currently, this program is having real impact and growing success in the corporate sector.
The CASA Mindset refers to the CASA Model for effective, impactful communications with others, consisting of connecting, agreement, self-skills, and accountability. The programs, tools, and coaching packages focus on the development of the two core relationships that are vital to being an Empowering Leader—the relationship with one’s self and the relationship with others. The relationship with one’s self refers to the mindset for peak performance. And, the relationship with others refers to team members and coworkers who ultimately determine a leader’s level of success and fulfillment.
The program consists of 15 video-based sessions, 3 Zoom webinars and 10 leader supporting documents, and access to an evolving library of resources. Lombardo explained that the program, webinars, and coaching services are having a real impact and success with leaders in all types of organizations, on all levels of management, including self-leaders. After the Emerging Leaders watched the CASA Mindset for Empowering Leaders videos and the Leader’s Master Webinar Series, they provided feedback on what they thought was beneficial and what could be improved.
“I truly believe that the Emerging Leaders program had an impact on helping shape the CASA Mindset for Empowering Leaders program,” said Ian Patton, a junior in the Emerging Leaders program. “I am excited to see how the program improves moving forward, as the best advice we offered was to add more interactive sections into the program, which would make it that much more engaging.”
Lombardo explained that the students provided solid, constructive feedback on ways to improve the program and webinars. And, their survey comments were well written, thought out, and underscored a real student need for this type of program. He believes that by incorporating the students’ feedback and making adjustments to the program and the way he engages through the live sessions and breaking the online experience into two shorter sessions that this program can really provide students with tangible development tools as they enter their careers.
“We are grateful to Bill for providing this mindset training to our students, and for providing an opportunity for our students to gain confidence by sharing feedback on this executive program,” said Shawnee Meek, the assistant director of Emerging Leaders.
Lombardo’s overriding goal and the essence of this program is to help students to become Empowering Leaders and to develop the two vital relationships—with one’s self andwith team members, coworkers, and others—that will ultimately determine their level of success and fulfillment in life.
“My experience with the Emerging Leaders students during our sessions was well beyond my expectations—the quality of person, their active engagement, and commitment to personal development was most impressive,” Lombardo said. “It gave me great hope for the human talent that will be entering the workforce and for the future of our country.”