OHIO’s CATS transit returns for fall semester with updated occupancy and mask requirements
Ohio University’s Campus Area Transit Service (CATS) will return Monday, Aug. 23 for fall semester, resuming standard passenger occupancy and requiring all passengers and drivers to wear a face mask.
“Whether students are traveling across campus to classes/academic support facilities or need to get across town to access popular east-side shopping destinations, Transportation and Parking Services (TPS) has you covered,” Tia Hysell, director of TPS said. “Our free campus transit solutions help to simplify navigating campus and the surrounding community.”
The free shuttle service for students, faculty, staff, and visitors allows for an accessible way to travel around campus, making multiple stops at locations like The Ridges, Heritage Hall, The Innovation Center, and around each of the Greens. The service runs on three dedicated transit routes Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. during Fall and Spring Semesters. Service also runs by request during Summer and Winter Break.
No pass or ID is needed to ride, all transit vehicles provide accessibility accommodations and can be tracked in real-time using the Doublemap App.
“CATS Daily Campus Shuttle Service has expanded stop locations to provide increased service coverage and improve connectivity between residential housing and academic facilities,” Hysell added. “The implementation of a centralized bus stop at Baker University Center has optimized the transit experience by allowing riders to quickly connect between campus and city transit routes.”
CATS Late Night service will also return with a more refined service offering for Fall 2021.
The Late Night service will operate evenings and weekends, Monday through Friday 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Service will be provided between designated campus stop locations. Click here for a map detailing designated service stops. Riders are encouraged to schedule rides in advance, however, request for on-demand service are also accepted and wait times are dependent on demand.
For additional safety this year, TPS made all transit vehicles for evening and weekend travel available through the Doublemap App which allows riders to track their transit vehicles in real-time, making planning campus travel much easier.
Students also have the opportunity to help support campus transit operations through applying for a student driver job through TPS which offers competitive hourly wages and flexible hours. Those interested can apply here.
OHIO and the city of Athens also boasts a wide variety of transit services to help students, faculty, and staff navigate campus and the surrounding Athens community, including the following services:
- Bobcat Pass (Athens Public Transit): Free Fixed Route Transit Service For Campus & Athens County Destinations https://www.ohio.edu/transportation-parking/bobcat-pass
- Accessible Transit (CATCAB): Free Limited Mobility Transit Service For Campus Destinations https://www.ohio.edu/transportation-parking/transit-services/catcab
- Alternative Transit Partnerships:
- Go Bus: Regional Transportation & Columbus Airport Shuttle: https://ridegobus.com/ (opens in a new window)
- Spin: E-Scooters https://www.ohio.edu/transportation-parking/shared-active-transportation-programs (opens in a new window)
Other rideshare and transit options can be found here.