University Community

Resources to support students

The following message was shared with OHIO employees:

As we reach the end of the first few weeks of class, the Office of the Dean of Students wanted to offer some links to resources that will help support our students as we return to in-person courses and on-campus activity. We anticipate that this transition may be challenging for some, and you may find yourself in need of these resources more frequently. We encourage you to flag this email so that it will be easy to find if you are working with a student in need. 

Students in Distress
Recognizing a student in crisis can help us intervene before the student becomes a risk to themselves or others.

  1. Assess and respond. Use this Guide to Assisting Students in Distress – the do's, don'ts, signs, and appropriate responses for communicating with at-risk students in the moment.
  2. Offer resources in a caring manner. Consider your relationship with the student and the best resources below that you can connect them with or recommend.
  3. Make a referral. Submit a Student Review and Consultation Form (opens in a new window) to let us know of your concerns. If you are unsure or would prefer to talk with someone, you can always call the Office of the Dean of Students at 740-593-1800. If your concern is urgent, please call OUPD at 740-593-1911.
  4. Follow up. Check-in with your student to maintain a connection and help them to feel that you are in their corner. 

Crisis Resources
Recognizing a student in crisis can help us intervene before the student becomes a risk to themselves or others.

In addition to the students in distress resource above, you received three other folders during employee orientation that provide insights and guidance across a range of additional student needs. The links below will take you to online resources to assist with:

Counseling and Psychological Services also offers crisis resources and other online tools to guide important student conversations. If you feel unprepared to handle disclosures of self-harm, the virtual, self-paced training Kognito, will provide skills-building.

Well-Being Resources
Beyond academics, your student is a human being with a full scope of needs, values, sensitivities, and behaviors.

Thank you for doing all that you can to support our students. Our top referrals for at-risk students have always been our faculty. Your engagement and perception make all the difference to our student body, and for that I thank you.


Patti McSteen, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Vice President
Dean of Students

September 17, 2021
Staff reports