Employees invited to self-disclose race/ethnicity, disability status and veteran status
OHIO is committed to becoming a national leader for diversity and inclusion, creating an environment where difference in all of its forms is welcomed and celebrated. We invite you to actively contribute to our progress by voluntarily self-identifying in a variety of areas to help more accurately determine the diversity of our workforce. Your help and self-disclosure is important for many reasons including:
- meeting our requirements as a federal contractor to capture voluntary demographic data for reporting purposes
- securing various grants and federal funding
- assessing our progress towards diversifying our workforce via recruitment and retention strategies informed by data
- assessing our pay practices and help ensure fair and equitable pay for all employees
You have an opportunity to help the University by self-disclosing your race/ethnicity, disability status, and veteran status. Your participation is strongly encouraged and very much appreciated as we strive to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. Your information will remain confidential and will be used only to fulfill OHIO’s federal obligations and measure institutional diversity. Only certain individuals in University Human Resources, the Office for Equity and Civil Rights Compliance, and the Office for University Accessibility will have access to this information.
It is also important to note that self-disclosing disability status in this manner will not trigger any services or accommodations that may also be provided by the Office for University Accessibility—if you are in need of such services, you should contact the office directly. Whether or not you have registered with the Office for University Accessibility, you are encouraged to self-disclose your disability status for the purposes described in this communication.
Self-reporting is quick and easy, simply login to https://myhr.ohio.edu (opens in a new window) and click the “Other Misc. Information” link to self-disclose race/ethnicity. Disability and veteran status’ can be disclosed under the “Disclose Disability Status” and “Disclose Veteran Status” links.
If you have questions regarding this topic or for assistance with self-disclosing this important information, please contact University Human Resources at (740) 593-1636.