University Community

Reminder about religious accommodation

Ohio University is a diverse academic community that values and celebrates difference. Affirming religious identity and observance are cornerstones of our commitment to diversity.

To respect and honor the religious diversity across all campuses, Ohio University assures reasonable accommodation for students, faculty, and staff whose observance of religious holy days conflict with their work schedules and coursework. Absences for religious observance are considered excused absences for students. Consideration and support for observance of religious holidays and religious expression is expected for all students, faculty, and staff throughout the year.

In keeping with Ohio University’s class attendance policies for undergraduate (opens in a new window) and graduate (opens in a new window) students, students may ask to be excused from class to observe their specific religious holiday and may request accommodation for class assignments, such as rescheduling presentations, due dates, and final exams. Students remain responsible for all assigned work.

Students seeking accommodation are responsible for reasonable notice to faculty and are encouraged to notify professors in writing at the beginning of the semester of any religious observances that will affect their class work and attendance. Ohio University asks that faculty work with such students to provide any make-up work or exams they may miss, without penalty. (See Faculty Handbook (opens in a new window) Sect. IV.B.3; VIII.C.3). It is best practice not to plan exams or class assignment due dates on days when some students may face significant work restrictions.

Please review OHIO's Guide to Religions (opens in a new window), a general reference tool that, while not exhaustive, lists many of the most common religious holidays likely to affect OHIO students, staff, and faculty.

Likewise, faculty and staff may request accommodation for religious observation and seek supervisors’ support with scheduling, time off, or other requests as outlined in University Policy 40.001 Equal Employment and Educational Opportunity. (opens in a new window) Faculty and staff who require time off for religious observance or other religious accommodation are encouraged to share this information with their chair or supervisor as soon as possible to facilitate planning and arrangements. 

Please contact the Office of University Equity and Civil Rights Compliance (opens in a new window) (ECRC) at 740-593-9140 or if you have questions or need guidance on issues related to religious observance within the University. 

September 28, 2022
Staff reports