Success Advisor Brandy Bailey: 'Definitely get involved with a student organization'

If Success Advisor Brandy Bailey was a new student entering the College of Health Sciences and Professions, she would be eagerly awaiting the Activities Fair during the first week of classes in August.
Getting involved is a key part of being successful in health professions, and student organizations can provide both an interdisciplinary lens on health care and a portal to real-world experience and community engagement.
Bailey advises students to definitely get involved with a student organization within the college or related to their major.
"I see the student organizations related to our health majors doing some really engaging and impactful activities and projects within Grover and around the community. Getting involved is a great way to meet new people, but also to learn more about your major and make connections that you can use throughout your time at OHIO!" Bailey said.
Bailey is currently advising students in majors including exercise physiology, applied nutrition, and nutrition science in the college's School of Applied Health Sciences and Wellness.
"I help students with academic planning and support their personal and professional goals. I develop their Guarantee+ Graduation Plans and connect them with appropriate university resources as needed to guide their success," said Bailey, who also helps the college with recruitment, retention, and persistence. She teaches Learning Community courses and assists with admissions events, Bobcat Student Orientation, graduation, and other college needs.
Bailey has a lot of experience navigating OHIO. She earned an M.Ed. in College Student Personnel in 2018 from the Patton College of Education and started working on campus in 2015. She started as the administrative services associate for the Department of Modern Languages in the College of Arts and Sciences and served as a graduate assistant during her master's program in the Allen Student Advising Center and the Academic Achievement Center.
After graduate school, Bailey worked at the Lancaster campus for about two and a half years before returning last fall to the Athens, which holds a special place in her heart.
"My favorite memories as a student would definitely have to be going to eat Uptown! Some of my favorite places to eat are Bagel Street Deli, Ginger, and Jackie O’s. I also love how OHIO has that small town feeling but can still offer big opportunities for students!" Bailey said.