Transition from Stream (Classic) to Stream (on SharePoint) will provide an enhanced user-friendly sharing and streaming experience

Ohio University is gearing up for a transition from Microsoft's Stream (Classic) to Stream (on SharePoint), a new and improved video sharing and streaming service offering an enhanced user interface and accessibility across all Microsoft 365 platforms.
Stream (Classic) will officially be retired on October 15, 2023. From that date forward, all video sharing and streaming will occur on Stream (on SharePoint). Videos previously uploaded to Stream (Classic) will be automatically migrated to the new platform by the Office of Information Technology (OIT) beginning Aug. 7.
All videos in Stream (Classic) will automatically be moved to OneDrive or SharePoint, depending on the ownership of the video. Videos owned by an individual will be relocated to their OneDrive My Files, while videos owned by a group will be moved to their respective SharePoint site.
The best part? The links to your videos stored in Stream (Classic) will remain functional post-migration, and all previously set shares and permissions for these videos will continue in their new location.
The move to Stream (on SharePoint) signifies OIT’s commitment to ensuring the OHIO community has access to the best digital tools available. This transition will provide the University community with a more accessible, streamlined, and user-friendly video sharing and streaming experience.
Further information about the transition to Stream (on SharePoint) and its new features can be found at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/stream/streamnew/new-stream (opens in a new window)
The Office of Information Technology is excited about the changes ahead and remains committed to supporting the OHIO community during this transition. For questions or concerns, please reach out to the Office of Information Technology (opens in a new window).