University Community

President Gonzalez launches searches for critical leadership positions

The following message was shared with the Ohio University Community on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023

To the Ohio University Community,

I am pleased to share an update regarding the search process for our next permanent executive vice president and provost. Additionally, we have realigned the vice president of research and creative activity to report directly to me, and that search is also in the beginning stages. 

Executive Vice President and Provost search

In March 2020, President Emeritus and Trustee Professor M. Duane Nellis named Dr. Elizabeth Sayrs as OHIO’s Executive Vice President and Provost (opens in a new window) for a three-year term. A national search for the position would have been held at the end of the term, in accordance with the Faculty Handbook. However the pandemic and University leadership transitions resulted in President Emeritus Hugh Sherman extending Sayrs’ term through June 2024 (opens in a new window) in order to provide the University with stability at a crucial time. 

In accordance with the Faculty Handbook, we have begun the search process for our next permanent executive vice president and provost. I have charged our search committee with the goal of completing the process during the spring semester.

The members of the Executive Vice President and Provost Search Committee include:

  • John McCarthy, Dean and Professor of Communication Disorders, College of Health Sciences and Professions (Co-Chair)
  • Sarah Wyatt, Faculty Senate Chair and Professor of Environmental and Plant Biology, College of Arts and Sciences (Co-Chair)
  • China Billote Verhoff, Assistant Professor of Interpersonal Communication, Scripps College of Communication
  • Candace Boeninger, Vice President of Enrollment Management
  • Megan Handle, Student Senate President
  • Lisa Harrison. Interim Dean, Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
  • Katie Hartman, Vice Provost for Faculty Development
  • Lewatis McNeal, Vice Provost for Regional Higher Education and interim Dean of the Lancaster campus
  • Karen Petko, Administrative Senate Representative
  • Lyn Redington, Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Anirudh (Ani) Ruhil, Professor of Leadership and Public Service and Associate Dean for Research and Planning, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service
  • Zaki Kuruppalil, Chair and Professor of Engineering Technology and Management, Russ College of Engineering and Technology

I greatly appreciate all of Provost Sayrs’ accomplishments over the past three years. She successfully oversaw the transition of our general education program from tiers to BRICKS (opens in a new window), reimagined our student success services model through the development of the ACE (opens in a new window), and created efficiencies through the implement of a system-wide approach to regional higher education. 

Vice President of Research and Creative Activity search

With our growing research portfolio and new status as an R1 Research Institution, and consistent with industry best practice, the vice president of research and creative activity role will be elevated to report to me directly.  

David Koonce, who has served in the interim role (opens in a new window) since June 2022, will remain Dean of the Graduate College, which will better meet the needs of our students. He also will continue to work closely with the new vice president of research and creative activity.

I have charged the search committee with the goal of completing the search by the end of the fall semester. Members include:

  • Darlene Berryman, Associate Dean, Research and Innovation; Professor, 
  • Biomedical Sciences, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, (Co-Chair)
  • Patrick Fox, Dean, Russ College of Engineering and Technology, (Co-Chair)
  • Amrit Bahad Thapa, Graduate Student Senate President
  • Karla Hackenmiller, Associate Dean and Professor of Printmaking, College of Fine Arts 
  • Jason Jolley, interim Associate Vice President for Research and Creative Activity
  • Caroline Kingori, Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, College of Health Sciences and Professions
  • Beth Quitslund, Chair and Professor of English, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Adam Rapp, The Ralph and Luci Schey Professor of Sales and Executive Director of the Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Center, College of Business
  • Bo Richardson, Administrative Senate Representative
  • Eric Stinaff, Professor and Chair of Nanoscale Quantum Phenomena Institute (NQPI), College of Arts and Sciences 
  • Jason Trembly, Russ Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment, Russ College of Engineering and Technology
  • Carma West, Grant Development Coordinator  
  • Yuchun Zhou, Associate Professor in Educational Research and Evaluation, Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education 

Both of these roles impact every aspect of our University, and I hope that each of you will be a part of the search process. We will announce the dates for community engagement opportunities in the coming weeks. 

Best Wishes,

Dr. Lori Stewart Gonzalez 

September 28, 2023
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