OHIO students invited to apply for winter break study abroad programs

Ohio University students interested in winter break study abroad and study away programs can now apply for these programs.
With several different opportunities, winter break programs provide a unique opportunity for Bobcats. Winter break study abroad programs are ideal as they allow students to earn part of their spring semester credits quickly, lightening their academic load during spring semester.
In the upcoming winter break, OHIO credit-specific programs will be held in multiple countries including:
Many of these programs are open to all majors, allowing students to complete general education requirements.
Aside from course fulfillment, studying abroad provides benefits that move far beyond the classroom. Students who partake in these programs not only build global awareness but also expand their worldview, create memorable experiences, make personal and professional connections, and immerse themselves in a culture outside of their own.
While deadlines, dates, and other details can vary by program, students who are considering a global opportunity over winter break should typically aim to complete their applications in August. To effectively prepare for applications, students should review eligibility requirements and program specifications at ohio.edu/goglobal.
Students interested in meeting with an advisor from the Office of Global Opportunities (OGO) can also schedule in-person meetings by email at global.opportunities@ohio.edu or visit drop-in advising in the ACE at Baker (Baker 417) Monday – Friday, 1 – 5 p.m.
For more information on studying abroad visit ohio.edu/goglobal or meet with an OGO advisor at the ACE at Baker.