Bobcat Cash

Do you need to know how many meals you have left, or how much money you have on your Bobcat Cash or Flex Account? eAccounts can help. Click the ‘Login to eAccounts’ button to be taken to the eAccounts login screen. Once you login to eAccounts you can view all of your balances and account activity, as well as make an instant deposit to your Bobcat Cash account or freeze your card if you lost it.

eAccounts Mobile App

On the go? Just search for "Transact eAccounts" in the Apple App Store or Google Play App Store and then select "Ohio University."

Apple App Download (opens in a new window) Android App Download (opens in a new window)



    eAccounts is the portal for all of your ID card account info. You can view Meal Plan, Flex  Point, and Bobcat Cash balances and make instant Bobcat Cash deposits.


    Guest Deposits

    Would you like to gift someone Bobcat Cash? See our deposit information page to find out how to make an eAccounts Guest Deposit.