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Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost Staff

Donald Leo
Donald Leo
Executive Vice President & Provost
email address
phone number 740.593.2501
Executive Vice President and Provost
building location Cutler Hall 210
Kerri Griffin
Kerri Griffin
Director of Civil Rights Compliance and Title IX Coordinator; ADA/504 Coordinator
email address
phone number 740.593.9140
Executive Vice President and Provost
building location Lindley Hall 006
Debra Benton
Debra Benton
Associate Provost for Student Success Technology Strategy
email address
phone number 740.593.0093
Executive Vice President and Provost
location Athens
building location Cutler Hall 312
Cary Frith shown from waist down. She is wearing a teal blouse, teal necklace and teal jacket
Cary Roberts Frith
Chief of Staff to the Executive Vice President and Provost
email address
phone number 740-593-2496
Executive Vice President and Provost
location Athens
building location Cutler Hall 211
Malissa Gilkey-Chase
Malissa Gilkey-Chase
Executive Assistant for the Executive Vice President and Provost Office
email address
phone number 740.593.2501
Executive Vice President and Provost
building location Cutler Hall 209
Vice Provost for Faculty Development
email address
phone number 740.593.2577
Executive Vice President and Provost
location Athens
building location Cutler Hall 314
Gillian Ice
Gillian Ice
Interim Associate Provost for Global Affairs
email address
phone number 740.593.1889
Executive Vice President and Provost
location Athens
building location Yamada International House 212
Kari Lehman
Kari Lehman
Vice Provost for OHIO Online
email address
phone number 740.593.2028
Executive Vice President and Provost
location Athens
building location McGuffey Hall
Bose Maposa wearing a black top and a black jacket
Bose Maposa
Director of Operations
email address
phone number 740-593-2570
Executive Vice President and Provost
location Athens
building location Cutler Hall 313
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
email address
phone number 740.593.2848
Executive Vice President and Provost
location Athens
building location Cutler Hall 315
Kari Saunier
Kari Saunier
Associate Provost for Academic Budget & Planning
email address
Executive Vice President and Provost
location Athens
building location Cutler Hall 208B
Mac Stricklen
Mac Stricklen
University Ombudsperson
email address
phone number 740.593.2627
Executive Vice President and Provost
building location Baker Center 501
Profile picture missing, no image uploaded
Loralyn Taylor
Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness & Analytics
email address
phone number 740.593.1037
Executive Vice President and Provost
building location Lindley Hall 300A