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Alphabetical Staff Listing below

Angela Andrews
Office Manager and Special Assistant
email address
phone number 740.593.4213
University Registrar
building location Chubb Hall 160
Jayme Arnett - Professional Headshot
Jayme Arnett
Associate Registrar for Data and Technology
email address
phone number 740.593.4216
University Registrar
building location Chubb Hall 112B
Michelle Bailes
Michelle (Shellie) Bailes
Records Management Specialist
email address
phone number 740.597.2573
University Registrar
location Athens
building location Registrar Services, Chubb Hall 115H
Larissa Barnhart
Larissa Barnhart
Records Management Specialist
email address
phone number 740.593.4202
University Registrar
building location Technology and Communication, Chubb Hall 118
Assistant Vice President for Student Information Strategy and University Registrar
email address
phone number 740.593.4260
University Registrar
Enrollment Management
building location Chubb Hall 160
Molly Delaval
Molly Delaval
Graduation Plan Curriculum Analyst
email address
phone number 740.593.4193
University Registrar
building location Technology and Communication
Ray Dixson
Ray Dixson
Assistant Director, Veterans and Military Student Services Center
email address
phone number 740.593.0132
University Registrar
building location Veterans and Military Student Services, Baker Center 350
Profile picture missing, no image uploaded
Misty Dowler
Records Management Specialist
email address
phone number 740.593.4182
University Registrar
building location Chubb Hall 115F
Profile of David Edwards
David Edwards
Veterans Certification Assistant
email address
phone number 740.593.0129
University Registrar
building location Veterans and Military Student Services, Baker University Center 350
Profile of Tina Ervin
Tina Ervin
Records Management Specialist
email address
phone number 740.593.9602
University Registrar
building location Technology and Communication, Chubb Hall 118
Ashley Ferguson
Ashley Ferguson
Records Management Specialist
email address
phone number 740.593.4208
University Registrar
building location Chubb Hall 115
Michael Ferraro
Michael Ferraro
Records Management Specialist
email address
phone number 740.593.4197
University Registrar
location Athens
building location Technology and Communications, Chubb Hall 112
Profile of Theresa Hosack
Theresa Hosack
Records Management Specialist
email address
phone number 740.593.4198
University Registrar
building location Technology and Communication, Chubb Hall 118
Melissa Hulett
Melissa Hulett
Technology Analyst - Student Success
email address
phone number 740.566.0183
University Registrar
building location Technology and Communication
Tasha Hutchison
Tasha Hutchison
Registrar Services Analyst
email address
phone number 740.593.4185
University Registrar
building location Registrar Services, Chubb Hall 115E
Kensey Love
Kensey Love
Assistant Registrar for Academic Records
email address
phone number 740.593.4192
University Registrar
building location Academic Records, Chubb Hall 115G
Yza Melvin
Senior Technology Analyst
email address
phone number 740.593.2742
University Registrar
building location Technology and Communication
Julnasha (Nasha) Morehead
Julnasha (Nasha) Morehead
Assistant Registrar for Degree Audit
email address
phone number 740.566.0182
University Registrar
building location DARS Support
Profile of Lita Ohlinger
Lita Burt Ohlinger
IT Support Specialist
email address
phone number 740.593.4128
University Registrar
building location Chubb Hall 112
Kathleen Pugh
Kathleen Pugh
Associate Registrar for Operations
email address
phone number 740.593.4183
University Registrar
building location Registrar Services, Chubb Hall 115D
Brooke Roberts
Brooke Roberts
Academic Records and Athletic Eligibility Coordinator
email address
phone number 740.593.4195
University Registrar
building location Academic Records, Chubb Hall 116
Profile of Janet Russell
Janet Russell
Records Management Senior Specialist University Diversity and Inclusion Committee (2021)
email address
phone number 740.593.4186
University Registrar
building location Veterans and Military Student Services, Baker University Center 350
Bryan Schlesser
Bryan Schlesser
Registrar Services Manager
email address
phone number 740.593.4207
University Registrar
building location Registrar Services, Chubb Hall 150B
Melinda Schneider
Melinda Schneider
Analyst for Degree Audit
email address
phone number 740.566.0872
University Registrar
building location DARS Support
Baatar Sodnompel
Baatar Sodnompel
Senior Analyst for Degree Audit
email address
phone number 740.593.1439
University Registrar
building location DARS Support
Terry St. Peter
Director of Veterans & Military Student Services Center
email address
phone number 740.593.4180
University Registrar
building location Veterans and Military Student Services, Baker University Center 350
Profile picture missing, no image uploaded
Alexander Stone
Records Management Senior Specialist
email address
phone number 740.593.4194
University Registrar
location Athens
building location Registrar Services, Chubb Hall 115J
Greg Webb
Greg Webb
Technology Analyst- Graduation Plan
email address
phone number 740-597-1505
University Registrar
building location Technology and Communication