Fran Wymbs

Fran is pictured here after a particularly wet 10K Father's Day race with her partner, Brian, their children, and two of the most photogenic dogs you'll ever meet! 
October 16, 2019

Meet WellWorks Member, Fran Wymbs, an Assistant Professor at Ohio University. 


Fran was initially nominated by a WellWorks staff member who cited Fran's dedication and friendly attitude as a consistent source of motivation for her own daily commitment to wellbeing. Though, a number of other nominations for Fran to be featured on our site quickly came our way. One nomination most succinctly explained why we feel you should know Fran, "She never gives up and always shows up!"


We asked Fran to share her story as to why wellbeing is something Fran prioritizes: 

"When I was in graduate school, I experienced the highest level of stress I had ever encountered. I began marathon training to manage the stress as running a marathon seemed to parallel my journey to become a clinical psychologist in a highly competitive clinical science program. After 12 years of long distance running (and becoming a clinical psychologist :), I tore my Achilles and took 2 years off running. I was fortunate to be able to regain strength in my Achilles after a series of treatments called "Platelet-rich plasma injections." However, this experience taught me how to heal myself and take care of my body and body-mind connection with greater care and balance. Now a mother of 2 year old twins, I use many of the tactics I learned in graduate school and beyond to ensure that I am on a path of wellness. I try to eat thoughtfully, mindfully, and with balance as well as engage in a variety of activities promoting physical, mental, and spiritual health. I am grateful to Wellworks for supporting each of these activities and teaching me other ways to grow, strengthen, and embrace balance." 


Thank you for sharing your story, Fran! And, for always being a supportive and motivating friend to WellWorks members. 

Are you interested in sharing your story or nominating a friend? 

Fill out our quick nomination form! (opens in a new window)