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Noncredit Courses

Ohio University has been providing access to noncredit courses for many years, both on campus and at a distance. Noncredit courses are tailored to meet students’ needs in several disciplines for those who want to learn a new subject, develop a skill, or engage in courses for personal fulfillment. While some of these courses are eligible for continuing education units (CEUs), you will not receive Ohio University credit for taking a course. Explore the opportunities below.

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Available Noncredit Courses

Lifelong and Distance Learning Online Instruction

Continuing Education for Teachers (opens in a new window)

Legal Studies Courses

Career and Technical Professional Training Courses

Noncredit courses are not eligible for OHIO credit and will not appear on your transcript. Any credentials earned are provided by our partner organizations: Ed2Go or The Center for Legal Studies.


Noncredit courses do not require an admissions application. Anyone can take noncredit courses as long as they have a high school diploma or GED. Simply find the course or program you wish to complete and register online.

In order to complete online programs, we recommend you have access to high-speed internet. You will need to have a word-processing program (Microsoft Word is best) and the latest version of your web browser and Adobe Acrobat.

All required materials are included unless indicated (legal studies programs are an exception). The cost of materials is NOT included in the cost of the course for legal studies programs and exam prep.

Ohio University will provide you verification of completion once you have finished the course content. Verification is only provided for those who obtain a final passing grade of 78% or greater.


Most of our programs are open enrollment, which means you can register and start the program within 48 hours. Please note that courses through The Center for Legal Studies and Ed2Go have set start dates. Ed2Go courses usually start the second or third Wednesday of each month. Legal studies courses run every eight weeks. The programs are delivered entirely online (unless indicated for DVD or print-based formats), so you never have to go to a class or travel to Ohio University.

Each student is paired up with a facilitator for one-on-one interaction. The facilitator will be available to answer your questions and provide feedback on your performance via email.


Payment is expected at the time of registration. If your company will be paying for the course or you qualify for aid, please email a copy of your approval forms to You cannot begin your course until OHIO receives payment or assurance of payment.

Fees and Financial Aid

Program costs vary by course. Please review course descriptions for material and instructional fees.

Limited financial aid is available for noncredit courses. You may qualify for aid through one of the following:

  • Contact your bank to ask about a "Direct to Consumer" loan
  • AmeriCorps funds
  • Workforce Investment Act money available from your county's Jobs and Family Services
  • The Union Education Trust (State of Ohio bargaining unit employees)


For further information, please contact:

Teresa Smith