COVID-19 Vaccine

Updated September 2023

OHIO community members are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and stay up to date (opens in a new window) on their vaccinations. Please note specific information for clinical students below.

Residential Students

Ohio University requires that students who reside in on-campus housing disclose whether they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to residing on-campus.

Students are not required to have been vaccinated, nor receive the booster at this time for COVID-19. Students are required to indicate if they have been vaccinated, and if they have, when and what types of vaccines were received.

More Information for Residential Students

Experiential Learning Opportunities

Some experiential learning program partners, including clinical placement sites and study-abroad programs and destinations, have COVID-19 vaccination requirements that students, faculty, and staff must meet to participate. Requirements may include documenting proof of vaccination or going through an exemption process. Not complying with program partners’ COVID-19 vaccination requirements could prevent individuals from fulfilling academic and professional objectives and may impact a student’s ability to fulfill degree requirements and/or eligibility for licensure. 

Third-Party Vaccine Documentation Requirements and Exemptions

Some partner programs and education-abroad programs and destinations may require that students and employees submit proof of vaccination status directly to the program or foreign country officials. While not all these entities will recognize or grant exemptions, those that do may require that students and employees engage in that entity’s exemption process. 

Other Experiential Learning Opportunities

Some partner programs have required that Ohio University process exemption requests from students and employees on behalf of the partner program. In such cases, students may apply for an exemption. The following exemptions are based on guidance developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (opens in a new window) (CMS):

  • Reasonable accommodation for a disability (for example, certain allergies or recognized medical conditions) or a sincerely held religious belief, observance, or practice; or 
  • Medical exemption due to a physician-verified clinical contraindication. 

Note: Submittal of an exemption request and required documentation is not a guarantee that the request will be approved, nor that a partner program will recognize an approval granted by Ohio University. If an exemption is granted, the student may incur, and will be responsible for, costs for testing (including maintenance and submission of results) or other public health measures (e.g., PPE, fit testing) the placement site requires for unvaccinated individuals.

Request a COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption

Housing & Residence Life Vaccination Information (opens in a new window)

How to Get a Replacement Vaccine Card

If you have lost or damaged your card or need a replacement, contact your original vaccine provider to request a replacement card. If they are not able to provide one, contact the health department for the county in which you received your vaccine. (Look up your county's health department here (opens in a new window).)