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Canvas Learning Management System Implementation

Project Goal

The Canvas Implementation team's goal is to improve the teaching and learning experience for students and faculty by introducing a modern, accessible, and intuitive learning management system. 

OIT, along with the Office of Instructional Design (OID) (opens in a new window) and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CTLA) (opens in a new window), are committed to supporting students, instructors, and staff in a smooth transition to Canvas. To do this, we will employ the following strategies:

  1. Collaborate closely with colleges, faculty, and students
  2. Focus on a consistent teaching and learning experience
  3. Provide faculty with the time and resources needed to successfully leverage Canvas

Log in to Canvas

OHIO students, faculty, and staff can access Canvas at (opens in a new window). Be sure to bookmark this page for quick access.

Log in to Canvas (opens in a new window)


Ohio University is migrating to Canvas starting Fall 2024. Instructors must follow the transition timeline established by their college regarding which LMS platform to use for the fall semester. Please note, most colleges decided to leverage Canvas starting the fall 2024 semester. When you’re ready to make your course available to students, publish it in only one LMS.  

Semester and YearTransition Information
Fall 2023Canvas opens to faculty and staff. Phase 1 faculty complete training with instructional designers. 
Spring 2024Phase 1 courses begin in Canvas. Assessment of the Phase 1 student and faculty experience. Migration plans finalized with all academic units for Canvas launch.
Summer 2024Bobcat Student Orientation moves to Canvas. Other orientation programming and placement tests begin moving content to Canvas. OHIO Online moves select program(s) to Canvas.
Fall 2024

The College of Arts & Sciences, the College of Business, the OHIO Honors Program, Regional Higher Education, Russ College of Engineering and Technology, Scripps College of Communication, and University College move all programs to Canvas. 

OHIO Online, the College of Fine Arts, the College of Health Sciences and Professions, and the Patton College of Education move select programs* to Canvas.

*Select programs are determined by Department Chairs. If you're unsure when to migrate your courses to Canvas, please contact your Department Chair.

Spring 2025OHIO Online, the College of Fine Arts, the College of Health Sciences and Professions, and the Patton College of Education move most remaining programs to Canvas.
Summer - Fall 2025

Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service moves programs to Canvas Summer 2025. Final OHIO Online programs transition to Canvas. 

Last courses move to Canvas for select courses or individual programs. 

Permission required to teach in Blackboard. Faculty and students save material from Blackboard. 

Spring 2026Last chance to save material from Blackboard. For credit courses will be archived in accordance with the course retention standard. Blackboard will be retired June 2026.

Phase 1

Phase 1 refers to Spring semester 2024 courses that used Canvas as their primary LMS, in place of Blackboard. Phase 1 included approximately 55 instructors who taught a select group of courses in Canvas. We used this semester to collect feedback from both students and instructors about the experience and to improve our approach before most courses migrate to Canvas in Fall 2024 and beyond. 

Phase 1 Instructor InformationPhase 1 Final Assessment Report  (opens in a new window)

Past Project Communication

DateCommunication link
December 5, 2024Plan ahead for spring semester with Canvas workshops
September 20, 2024Canvas Learning Management System usage increases in Fall Semester
August 16, 2024Supporting Student Success in OHIO's Transition to Canvas
August 14, 2024Introducing Canvas: Important Student Information for the Fall Semester
July 8, 2024OHIO instructors encouraged to plan ahead for fall semester with Canvas workshops
May 24, 2024Test courses now available in Canvas for all OHIO instructors
April 19, 2024Prepare for fall semester with Canvas workshops on May 8-9
April 15, 2024Office of Instructional Design offering Canvas transition support workshops, resources for OHIO faculty
March 28, 2024Canvas workshops to supplement Spotlight on Learning Conference
March 20, 2024Student Information: Keeping Bobcats Informed, "Out with the old, in with the new"
February 23, 2024Ohio University shares faculty experiences, insights into Canvas course templates
January 12, 2024Spring semester start technology message provides helpful information for OHIO instructors
January 5, 2024Explore the Canvas learning management system this spring semester
October 13, 2023

Canvas learning management system available for instructors to explore

April 27, 2023Canvas selected as OHIO’s next learning management system
January 12, 2023Recordings of learning management system vendor demos available, feedback requested
January 9, 2023LMS vendor demonstrations to be held Jan. 9-11
December 1, 2022LMS vendor demonstrations planned for January
October 13, 2022Learning Management System RFP Evaluation Committee selected
August 18, 2022Learning management system RFP to launch this fall (opens in a new window)
July 8, 2022OIT announces learning management system evaluation project
March 17, 2022Instructors invited to share Blackboard feedback on LMS Survey