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What is Different in Canvas?

Selected differences between Canvas, Blackboard Ultra, and Blackboard Original:

Tables of Contents (Blackboard Original) 

  • The organizational structure of Canvas is different than that of Blackboard.  When preparing your Blackboard Original Course (the type of Blackboard course that has a customizable left navigation menu) for migration to Canvas, please note that the menu structure will not transfer between systems. 

Teaching and Learning Tool Integrations  

  • All integrations (third-party tools like McGraw Hill and VoiceThread) must be installed by OIT in Canvas before they can be used in Canvas courses. Since these are new connections between the tools and Canvas, any links and assignments you created with these tools in Blackboard will not automatically transfer to Canvas.
    • In the best case scenario, you will need to relink the content you created on the third-party tool page (such as publisher assignments) to your Canvas course.
    • In the worst case scenario, such as with Turnitin Assignments, you may need to create a new assignment in Canvas. 

To view the full list of integrations and their expected availability within Canvas, visit the Using third-party integrations in Canvas help article (opens in a new window).

Access to Student Data Stored in Blackboard 

  • No student data from Blackboard will be imported to Canvas. Any archival process will store data in a separate space outside of Canvas.  
  • Student portfolios from Blackboard will not import to Canvas and will have to be exported in a different format for later access. OIT is not providing an alternative tool for backing up student portfolios.

Test Courses, Manually Created Courses, and Organizations 

  • Users will not be able to create their own courses in Canvas, but OIT will create courses on request. Please view the instructions for requesting a manually created course (opens in a new window)
  • Manually created courses are not connected to the data feed that populates courses with students or other users. Manually created courses are best used as a space to design a course and then copy content into term-based course shells as they are created. 
  • Manually created courses can also be used to house organizations, as a replacement for the Organization feature in Blackboard. 

List of Comparisons for Commonly Used Features

Blackboard Feature: Original CoursesBlackboard Feature: Ultra CoursesCanvas FeatureAdditional Information
Not Available in OriginalAccommodationsModerate (opens in a new window)No significant changes
AchievementsNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasNo additional information
Add/Modify EnrollmentsRoster, Enroll PeoplePeople, + PeopleYou can add or remove Instructors, TAs, and Designers. You can add Students to your courses as soon as they are admitted, but you will not be able to remove them. This is to prevent the accidental loss of data if you were to delete a student who should be enrolled in the course. See  Adding and Removing TAs, Instructors, and Other Users in a Canvas Course (opens in a new window) knowledge article for details and instructions.
Adaptive ReleaseConditional AvailabilityPrerequisites and Locking Modules (opens in a new window)The following conditions can be used to determine release of materials: date and time for all students, completion of prior modules. Availability cannot be determined by user or group.
Additional Attempts to Students in Specific AssessmentsAdditional Attempts to Students in Specific AssessmentsSee Additional InformationYou may grant additional attempts for all students for a quiz or an assignment and you may grant an additional attempt to a specific student for a quiz, but Canvas does not allow you to grant a single student an additional attempt for an assignment.
AnnouncementsCourse AnnouncementsAnnouncements (opens in a new window)Cannot force an email message to students regarding announcements.
Can allow students to comment or like announcements. 
Can schedule to post at a later date.
Cannot set an expiration date.
Anonymous GradingAnonymous GradingAnonymous Grading (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Anonymous Discussion Board PostsNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasNo additional information
AssignmentsAssignmentsAssignments (opens in a new window)Canvas does not permit instructors to clear individual student attempts. Can restrict file upload types.
Can accept a website URL as a submission.
Can accept additional submission types such as On Paper, External Tool, No Submission.
No Submission could be used to add items to the Course Calendar, such as readings.
AttendanceAttendanceRoll Call (opens in a new window)No additional information
Audio/Video FeedbackAudio/Video FeedbackFeedback in SpeedGrader (opens in a new window)Available as part of feedback options in SpeedGrader in Canvas.
Blackboard Mobile AppBlackboard Mobile AppCanvas Mobile App (opens in a new window)Two apps with different functionalities based on role (one for teacher and one for student)
Blank PageDocumentsBlank PageNo significant changes
BlogsNot Available in UltraNot available in Canvas

Workaround 1: Pages (opens in a new window) become editable when editing is allowed for teachers and students.

Workaround 2: Collaborations (opens in a new window) creates a shared document for selected students to edit.

Bulk Download of AssessmentsBulk Download of AssessmentsDownload submissions (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Calculated FormulaCalculated FormulaFormula Question (opens in a new window)There are multiple options for formula questions in Canvas.
CalendarCalendarCalendar (opens in a new window) (overview for Instructors)The calendar automatically populates with due dates and meetings from the course.
Calendar ExportCalendar ExportCalendar Feed (opens in a new window)In Canvas, you can subscribe to the Canvas calendar to have it add content to Outlook.
Not Available in OriginalCalendar ImportNot available in CanvasNo additional information
CategoriesAssignment GroupsAssignment Groups (opens in a new window) 
ContactsNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasNo additional information
Content EditorContent EditorContent Editor (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Not Available in OriginalCopy ContentDuplicate an assignment (opens in a new window) /Duplicate a module item (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Course CopyCourse CopyCourse Import Tool (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Course BannerCourse ImageFront Page (opens in a new window)You can create a custom page, including images, which can then be set to the home page for your course.
Course Builder RoleNot Available in UltraDesigner (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Not Available in OriginalCourse FacultyNot available in CanvasNo additional information
Course LinkCourse LinkCourse Link (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Course MenuNot Available in UltraCourse Navigation Menu (opens in a new window)Able to reorder or hide the existing menu items, but unable to edit the names of existing menu items or create new menu items.
Course MergeNot Available in UltraCross-List (opens in a new window)Faculty must wait until students are enrolled to cross-list their course sections. Students are loaded to a course two weeks prior to its start date.
Course MessagesCourse MessagesCourse Messages (opens in a new window)Course Messages are completely contained within Canvas, they are not an email message, and do not have the option to be forcibly delivered via email.  The course messages also do not have the full rich text content editor (RTE) and only allow text, video, audio or attachments.
Course ReportsCourse ActivityNew Analytics (opens in a new window)There are significant changes in Canvas. We recommend you review the linked support materials.
Not Available in OriginalCourse ScheduleCourse Summary (opens in a new window)Course Summary is located on the Syllabus page and automatically pulls in the due dates for any items in the course.
Course StructuresNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasSee "Teaching Style"
Not Available in OriginalNot Available in UltraCurve Grades (opens in a new window)Can curve grades for an assignment using a bell curve based on a manually entered average score.
Import Package/View LogsCourse Tasks and LogsImport>Current Jobs & Exports (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Date ManagementBulk EditBatch Edit (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Decimal Points in TestsDecimal Points in TestsDecimal Points in TestsNo significant changes
Delegated GradingParallel GradingModerated Grading (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Not Available in OriginalDiscussion AnalyticsNot available in CanvasNo additional information
DiscussionsDiscussionsDiscussions (opens in a new window)Anonymous posting not available in Canvas.
Dropping GradesDropping GradesCreate Rules for Assignment (opens in a new window)Canvas allows you to create an exception for assignments that should not be considered for dropping.
Edit ModeNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasWorkaround: Student View (opens in a new window)
Embed MediaEmbed MediaEmbed (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Exempt GradesExceptionsExcused (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Extra CreditExtra CreditSee Additional NotesWorkarounds for granting extra credit in Canvas (opens in a new window)
FilesUpload or Insert Local FilesFiles (opens in a new window)No significant changes
ForumDiscussionDiscussions (opens in a new window)No significant changes
FoldersFoldersModules (opens in a new window)Added functionality: indent options to create a hierarchy of content within the module, ability to share modules with other instructors. Loss of functionality: cannot nest modules.
GlossaryNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasWorkaround: Create a page (opens in a new window) for a course glossary.
Grade CenterGradebookGradebook (opens in a new window)There are significant changes to the Gradebook in Canvas. We recommend you review the linked support materials.
GroupsGroupsGroups / Group Sets (opens in a new window)Canvas allows the option for students to create their own Groups. This must be enabled in course settings. Student-created groups cannot be assigned group assignments.
Groups - Manual EnrollmentGroups - Custom EnrollmentGroups - Manual Enrollment (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Group AssignmentsGroup AssignmentsGroup Assignments (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Groups - Random EnrollmentGroups - Randomly AssignGroups / Randomly Assign (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Not Available in OriginalGroups - Reuse GroupClone Group Set (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Groups - Self EnrollmentGroups - Self EnrollmentGroups / Self Sign-Up (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Not Available in OriginalNot Available in UltraGroups / Group Leader (opens in a new window)Groups may have an assigned student leader.
Institution-based Cloud StorageInstitution-based Cloud StorageInstitution-based Cloud Storage (opens in a new window)No significant changes.  You can add content from your Ohio University OneDrive account directly to Canvas courses and assignments.
ItemDocumentsPages (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Item AnalysisQuestion AnalysisItem Analysis (opens in a new window)No significant changes
JournalJournalNot available in CanvasWorkaround (opens in a new window): Create a Discussion assignment, make it a group assignment, and then assign each individual student to their own group.
Not Available in OriginalNot Available in UltraMissing Submission Policy (opens in a new window)The Missing Submission policy allows you to define a grade that will be granted for missing submissions as a percentage of the total points possible.
Learning ModuleLearning ModuleModules (opens in a new window)Added functionality: indent options to create a hierarchy of content within the module, ability to share modules with other instructors. Loss of functionality: cannot nest modules.
Lesson PlanNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasNo additional information
Manual Grade ColumnManual Grade ColumnNot available in Canvas​​​​Workaround: You cannot add a manual grade column directly to the Gradebook (opens in a new window) in Canvas (as you can in Blackboard). You must create a new assignment, and in the “Submission Type” settings, set to “No Submission.”
Mashup: FlickrNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasWorkaround: Content can be embedded using the Embed (opens in a new window) option.
Mashup: SlideshareNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasWorkaround: Content can be embedded using the Embed (opens in a new window) option.
Mashup: YouTubeNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasWorkaround: Content can be embedded using the Embed (opens in a new window) option.
Not Available in OriginalOffice 365 IntegrationMicrosoft OneDrive (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Password Protected AssessmentsPassword Protected AssessmentsQuiz Restrictions (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Performance DashboardNot Available in UltraNew Analytics (opens in a new window)There are significant changes in Canvas. We recommend you review the linked support materials.
Portfolio AssignmentNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasNo additional information
PortfoliosPortfoliosNot available in CanvasNo additional information
Not Available in OriginalProgress TrackingStudent Progress (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Question PoolsQuestion BanksSee Additional InformationClassic Quizzes draw from Question Banks and New Quizzes draw from Item Banks.
Question RegradingQuestion RegradingQuiz Regrade (opens in a new window)Additional options have been added.
Question SetsQuestion PoolsQuestion Group (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Random Blocks (Questions)Question PoolsQuestion Group (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Retention CenterNot Available in UltraNew Analytics (opens in a new window)There are significant changes in Canvas. We recommend you review the linked support materials.
Rich Text Editor (RTE)Rich Text Editor (RTE)Rich Content Editor (opens in a new window)No significant changes
RosterRosterPeople (opens in a new window)Instructors are able to add/remove users with non-student roles. Instructors are able to add, but not remove, users with Student role.
RubricsRubricsRubrics (opens in a new window)No significant changes
SafeAssignSafeAssignTurnitin Plagiarism Framework (opens in a new window)Turnitin offers an integration called Plagiarism Framework which allows you to use the native Canvas assignment features with the addition of the originality check from Turnitin.
SafeAssign Direct SubmitNot Available in UltraNot available in CanvasNo additional information
Score Per QuestionScore Per QuestionGrade by Question (opens in a new window)You can choose to manually grade the same quiz question for each student before viewing student submissions for a different quiz question. Note: Quizzes that pull questions from a question bank will shuffle the order of questions for each student. Question order for each submission may vary within SpeedGrader. Available for both Classic and New Quizzes
SCORMSCORMSCORM (opens in a new window)SCORM report is not visible for grading.
Student PreviewStudent PreviewStudent View (opens in a new window)No significant changes
SurveysNot Available in UltraSee Additional InformationWorkaround (opens in a new window): You can create a graded or ungraded anonymous survey with the Classic Quizzes feature.
SyllabusNot Available in UltraSyllabus (opens in a new window)The Syllabus feature allows you to add information that is pertinent to your course.  You can do so through the Canvas text editor, or by attaching a copy of your existing syllabus.  The Course Summary section of the Syllabus page automatically populates with due dates and events that exist within the course.
Self and Peer AssessmentPeer AssessmentPeer Review (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Send EmailEmailNot available in CanvasSee Course Messages
Not Available in OriginalSingle Student Progress ReportGrades for Student (opens in a new window)Instructors can view all assignments, due dates, status, and score for each individual student via the Gradebook.
Not Available in OriginalStudent OverviewNotes (opens in a new window)Notes in the Gradebook are visible to anyone with access to the gradebook.
TasksNot Available in UltraTo-Do (opens in a new window)To Do in Canvas has a similar functionality to the Activity Stream in Blackboard for students.
Test Availability ExceptionTest Additional TimeModerate Quiz (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Teaching StyleNot Available in UltraSee Additional InformationAll the features in Teaching Style are available in Canvas, but in different locations.  You can import a template (opens in a new window) from Commons to provide a structure, choose a course home page and set a banner image by selecting a Front Page (opens in a new window), and reorder the course menu under Settings by selecting Navigation (opens in a new window).  
TestsTestsQuizzes (opens in a new window) / New Quizzes (opens in a new window)Canvas is in the process of redesigning their quiz offerings and currently have two options. These options are the following: Quizzes, also referred to as Classic Quizzes, and New Quizzes.  If you import tests from Blackboard they will be using the Quizzes (aka Classic Quizzes) option.
Video Everywhere/Browse My YouTube VideosInsert YouTube VideoEmbed a video (opens in a new window)No significant changes
Web LinkWeb LinkWeb Link (opens in a new window)Links open in a new window by default.
Weighted Total Calculated ColumnWeighted Total CalculationWeighted Assignment Groups (opens in a new window)Individual assignments cannot be weighted in Canvas. Workaround: make an assignment group for each individual assignment.
WikiNot Available in UltraNot available in Canvas

Workaround 1: Pages (opens in a new window) become editable when editing is allowed for teachers and students.

Workaround 2: Collaborations (opens in a new window) creates a shared document for selected students to edit.