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Software & mobile apps

Software and mobile apps

Software downloads

OIT offers a number of software packages to the University or to specific groups like faculty, staff, or students at no cost or at a reduced cost. Our Licensed Software page lists all the available titles.

Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 applications, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, are essential to success at Ohio University. Anyone with an active OHIO email address can access Microsoft 365 in a web browser, and all students and instructors have access to the downloadable applications. View Help and Resources: Microsoft 365 for more information. 

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

OHIO’s Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) allows users to connect to a virtual computer to access multiple software titles without downloading. These software applications are licensed to the University and free to users. VDI also allows Mac users to access Windows tools unavailable for the macOS, such as Microsoft Publisher.  

Once installed, you can select a full desktop or single application experience when available. Learn more about getting started with VDI including accessing, saving, and printing your work.  

Tools and apps


There are also many tools you can access right in your browser.

If you would like help with a tool not supported by the University, please contact the IT Service Desk. OIT may ask you to submit an OHIO Technology Review Request.