Volume Four

1997 QAE Prize in Prose
Patricia Fuentes

The Mails Between Here and New Guinea
William DiNome

Amelia Earhart
The Ronzoni Madonna
Little Ice Age
Maureen Seaton

The Catheter Series
Bonnie Bladder

Even a Good Curse Should Not Last Forever
What Lavinia Found In Her Sister's Room
Vivian Shipley

Michael David Brown

Introduction to Universal Psycholinguistics I
Robert Percham

Stephanie Dickinson

Indio None
Candice C. Davis

Garret Jon Groenveld

By Jude Jean McCramack Goddamnit to Hell Dogs's Foot: the unappeasable Mrs.
C. D. Wright

The Garden Room
Robert Wilder

The Cheeks by Themselves
Thomas Russell

Gillian by Herself
Elegy for One Cat
Wendy Bishop

Letter to Frezzo
Letter to Rackin
David Barratier

The german for it, the French
Daniel Callis

Sometimes in Silence
Peggy M. Woods

Sleeping on a Door
Donald Morrill


Sandbar and Leaf: A Photo Essay
John Haines

The Highlander
David Witherspoon

Power Outage
Jamie Granger

Old Iron
Reg Saner

Promises of the Storm
Kim Jensen

The Daphne Photograph
Nathaniel Tarn & Janet Rodeny

excerpts from The Road to Ocosingo
Andrew Schelling

The Challenge of Styles
Jin Di

excerpts from Who Lets Go First
Gian Lombardo

Cy Twombly
Francis Bacon
Mark Cunningham

excerpts from Cambio del Estado
Rafael Courtoisie (translated by Joseph Richey)

Eden Elieff

The Organ-Loft Lady Emerges from the Church with Wind-Stop Eyes
Frank Van Zant

A Dictation
Barbara DeCesare

Windows and Letters
Kathleen McGookey

an excerpt from Letters, 1969-71
Jack Matthews & Edward Dahlberg

In Jenna's Room
Jessica Jordon Nudel

Victoria Carlson

Why But to Awe
Amy Newman

Mary Speece