Informational Alert

Ohio University is participating in today’s statewide tornado drill as part of Ohio’s “Severe Weather Awareness Week.”

The statewide tornado drill will take place at 9:50 a.m. this morning (3/19). THIS IS ONLY A DRILL.

Read the latest update

41.004: Computing Partial Salary for Faculty and Graduate Assistant Appointments




August 27, 2012

Initiated by:

Julie Allison | University Controller 

Endorsed by:

Pam Benoit | Executive Vice President

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis |  President 

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    This policy governs the payment of partial month salaries to faculty and graduate assistants who begin work after the beginning of an academic period, or end their employment prior to the close of an academic period in cases where the payroll system may be unable to handle the calculation because of unusual circumstances.

    The payroll system will calculate any necessary partial salary for an employee who starts or ends his or her employment at the beginning or end of a semester. If an employee leaves in the middle of the semester a manual calculation must be made to determine the partial salary amount.

    This policy governs cases in which a manual, partial salary calculation needs to be made for a faculty or graduate assistant appointment. The basis of the computation will be the semi-monthly pay, pro-rated on the basis of working days, as detailed below.

  2. Workdays for faculty

    Workdays for all faculty, whether full or part time, are counted based on each academic semester worked at five days per week (Monday through Friday) from the first day of classes through the date grades are due for each of the two academic semesters. Holidays and breaks (Thanksgiving and spring) are included as workdays. Some academic directors or chairs may have terms other than the academic year. In those cases, workdays are based on the employment period indicated on the appointment form rather than the academic semester.

  3. Workdays for graduate assistants

    Workdays for graduate assistants will be counted on a five day per week basis (Monday through Friday) for each academic semester worked, or in the absence of a specific academic semester, based on the dates of employment indicated on the appointment form. Holidays and breaks (Thanksgiving and spring) are included as workdays. The following provisions apply as indicated:

    1. For teaching graduate assistants, an academic semester begins on the first day of classes and ends on the date grades are due.

    2. For non-teaching graduate assistants, a semester begins on the first day of classes and ends on the last day of finals unless otherwise specified by the department.

    3. For those employed in the area of residence life, such as resident directors, assistant resident directors, etc., workdays will be determined based on the special terms and conditions as set forth by the associate director of residential housing.

    Employment situations not addressed by any of the above provisions will be interpreted and appropriately administered by the provost and the vice president for finance and administration.

  4. Basic guidelines for calculations of partial salary

    1. A partial salary for each semester is calculated based on the number of working days an employee is on the payroll compared with the total number of working days in the semester.

    2. For the purposes of semi-monthly pay plan calculations, payments are made as follows:

      1. Nine-month pay plan: Regular pay is the annual base salary divided by eighteen.

      2. Twelve-month pay plan: Regular pay is the annual base salary divided by twenty-four.

    3. Summer work (mid-May through mid-August) is appointed separately.

    4. Contact the payroll office for guidance on unique situations not represented in this policy.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Vice President for Finance and Administration

  2. Associate Director of Residential Housing

  3. Faculty Senate

  4. Graduate Student Senate