OHIO staff and students standing in front of graffiti wall
Dynamic Strategy Pillar


Ohio University engages the broader community in many ways, from serving as the academic home to our regional public radio station to funding and staffing mobile health clinics to supporting entrepreneurs and non-profits. Our University is recognized as a partner that listens and responds to community needs and engages in collaborative efforts to solve social problems in our region and beyond. 

In all efforts, OHIO is committed to honoring partnerships throughout our regional, national, and global communities for meaningful engagement and collaboration. In addition, we have passionate and loyal alumni who bolster the University’s work with students and with the communities we serve.

As we move forward, we have the opportunity to build on these strengths to capture broader distinction as a University where students will connect beyond the boundaries of campus with alumni and partners who prepare them for ultimate success.


Build and actively engage an unmatched network of alumni, employers and organizations as partners with the University to prepare all students for careers, drive prosperity in the region, and fulfill workforce needs across the state.

Strategy 1

Create and effectively resource a Center for Community Impact to steward our progress as a national university engaged in addressing challenges in our region and scaling solutions to communities everywhere.

Action 1 – Evaluate and align current community impact, outreach and engagement efforts, including the establishment of a community leadership board.

Action 2 – Establish an enhanced “front door” to the University as a resource for organizations, students, and alumni seeking collaborative opportunities, and assess and improve technology for tracking and managing constituent relationships.

Action 3 – Complete a comprehensive analysis of current experiential learning and community engagement opportunities, and exponentially expand partnerships.

Strategy 2

Improve OHIO’s ability to respond quickly to shifting workforce and economic development needs across the state.

Action 1 – Expand and deepen employer partnerships to include the identification of education and training needs to inform curricular planning.

Action 2 – Explore non-credit-bearing programming as a solution to immediate and evolving workforce needs.

Action 3 – Analyze regional employment needs in each of our Regional Higher Education markets annually and incorporate findings into strategic planning for regional campuses.

Strategy 3

Enhance alumni engagement including student mentorship, student placement, volunteerism and giving.

Action 1 – Review existing alumni mentorship programs and build on successful models to significantly increase the number of alumni involved in student mentorship.

Action 2 – Build a robust network of Bobcat alumni willing to connect students with professionals and opportunities in their chosen career field.

Action 3 – Launch a comprehensive fundraising campaign to include the expansion of endowed scholarships and funding for experiential learning.

Latest Updates


    OHIO to launch pilot programs to test alumni mentorship and coaching framework

    Faculty members Amy Taylor-Bianco (College of Business) and Dwan Robinson (Patton College of Education) have designed a preliminary framework for alumni mentorship and coaching at Ohio University, informed by multiple faculty and student input sessions. They are partnering with multiple faculty members to test their framework in pilot programs this spring. 


    Open forums planned to set the stage for the Center for Community Impact

    The ENGAGE Executive Leadership Team will host open forums for University stakeholders working or interested in outreach and engagement on January 21 and February 7. The goal of the discussions is to help define corporate engagement, community engagement and workforce development at Ohio University.

    Join the Conversation (opens in a new window)

Outcomes and Metrics

How we will track our success

Community Impact

  • Number of faculty/staff involved in community engagement activities or service learning
  • Number of students participating in community engagement activities or service learning
  • Social ROI for Appalachian Ohio

Workforce Development

  • Economic Impact on the state of Ohio
  • Number of degrees that translate professional certifications or occupational training to academic credit
  • Number of industry-recognized credentials offered by the University as part of a credit-bearing program

Alumni Engagement

  • Overall Alumni Engagement Score
  • Annual Alumni Giving Percentage
  • Number of students participating in alumni coaching/mentoring

Engage Executive Leadership Team

  • Robin Oliver (Lead) – Vice President for University Communications and Marketing
  • Greg Simmons – Vice President of Advancement
  • Julie Cromer – Director of Athletics
  • Eric Burchard – Executive Director of Government Relations
  • Ken Johnson – Executive Dean and Chief Medical Affairs Officer, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Tracy Plouck – Dean, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service
  • David Nguyen – Dean, University College
  • Lewatis McNeal – Vice Provost for Regional Higher Education and Partnerships; Executive Dean, Regional Higher Education