OHIO will continue to freeze the cost of benefits for employees in fiscal year 2026 and fiscal year 2027 – reducing the overall percentage of premiums that are typically covered by OHIO employees.
The heart of an excellent, engaged, thriving public university is its faculty and staff. An inspired and motivated employee community, by its own nature, promotes student success and fuels innovation and discovery. As we move our Dynamic Strategy forward, we recognize that people are the center of progress. We want every faculty, staff member, and University leader to connect with our mission and vision and find a place for themselves in the path ahead. We know we must recognize and reward the role they will play in our ongoing success, and we also must recruit talented individuals who are ready to join our journey.
Become a destination employer for those passionate about the mission of public higher education
Strategy 1
Prioritize recruiting, retaining, recognizing and rewarding high performing faculty and staff across all campuses and modalities.
Action 1 – Make meaningful total rewards investments that provide OHIO a competitive foundation in recruiting and retaining talent.
Action 2 – Resource best-in-class faculty and staff recruitment strategies.
Action 3 – Expand opportunities for recognition and rewards for faculty and staff.
Strategy 2
Continually enhance a workplace culture rich with support, trust, belonging and well-being.
Action 1 – Develop a strategy for measuring and responding to employee sentiment at least every three years.
Action 2 – Build upon communication strategies that provide visibility and insight into university decision-making.
Action 3 – Assess current wellbeing resources and develop plans to align and improve strategies to meet the wellness needs of the workforce.
Action 4 – Expand opportunities for social connection and community building that promote inclusion and celebrate all identities and perspectives.
Strategy 3
Establish a Center for OHIO Employee Excellence charged with ensuring effective support of and development for faculty and staff.
Action 1 – Ensure the integration and success of the new hire community by creating an experiential onboarding for all faculty and staff across all campuses and modalities.
Action 2 – Expand or create programs demonstrating gratitude and recognition for employee service and accomplishment.
Action 3 – Enhance and expand professional development opportunities, policies and practices that promote seeking internal and external development opportunities for continuous improvement.
Latest Updates
Employee benefits cost to remain flat for next two years
OHIO to launch PAWS employee survey in February
Ohio University is partnering with ModernThink to implement its Best Colleges Survey to help measure and respond to employee sentiment. We’re calling it PAWS – Positively Advancing our Workplace Survey – as it will guide actions we will take to improve the working environment at OHIO.
New Director of Employee Experience will lead planned Center of Excellence
Human Resources has reallocated funding to establish a Director of Employee Experience position along with two training specialists who together will manage the programming for the Center for Ohio Employee Excellence as defined in the Dynamic Strategy.
Outcomes and Metrics
Employee Recruitment and Retention
- Attrition rate of new hires 1-3 years (Faculty and non-instructional staff)
- Health benefits benchmarking (Premiums; Cost Sharing)
- Compensation, benefits, and work/life balance assessment as measured through the PAWS survey
Employee Success and Development
- Number of staff participating in professional development activities per year
- Number of faculty participating in Office of the Provost, CTLA and/or ORSP sponsored professional development activities
Climate (All below measured by the PAWS survey)
- Job Satisfaction/Support
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Respect & Appreciation
Work Executive Leadership Team
- Mary Elizabeth Miles (Lead) – Vice President of Human Resources
- Carly Leatherwood – Chief of Staff, President's Office
- David B. Moore – Vice President of Finance and Administration
- Russell Morrow – Interim Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
- Jackie Rees-Ulmer – Dean, College of Business
- John McCarthy – Dean, College of Health Sciences and Professions
- Rob Ross – Dean, University Libraries