November 2024 University Updates Q&A

For President Gonzalez

With the recent update to the ADA mandating that all digital materials, including course content, be fully accessible by April 2026, what steps is the administration taking to support faculty in making their materials accessible to all students? We are committed to offering an equitable learning experience for everyone. Will leadership invest in the necessary tools and resources, including additional personnel, to assist faculty in this important transition?

Thank you for this question. Across OHIO, we share your commitment to offering an equitable learning experience for everyone, and there is already a significant amount of collective work happening across the institution to not only ensure the ADA’s requirements and deadlines are met, but that our website continually improves for all users.

Specific to faculty, OHIO’s Office for Information Technology offers faculty-focused resources for managing and delivering accessible course content, including universal techniques to help improve the overall accessibility of the digital materials that are provided to your students.

If you have specific questions about your departmental website and/or the ways you can help ensure you are offering accessible documents, we encourage you to contact for guidance and support.

More broadly, OHIO has also shared a digital accessibility update with the University community that included the action steps that we are taking to help us remain in compliance with ADA requirements, including:

One of OU's great resources is the strength of our faculty researchers. But often overlooked are research-active instructional faculty. With respect to the Dynamic Strategy and OU's emphasis on research, how do you envision instructional faculty contributing to that process?

Instructional faculty members are critical to our teaching mission and play a vital role in delivering our curriculum at the undergraduate and master’s levels. Instructional faculty members who engage in research and creative activity will benefit from Dynamic Strategy investments in research infrastructure and support for interdisciplinary collaboration.

As we move our Dynamic Strategy forward to implementation, we recognize that people are the center of progress, and we want every OHIO employee to connect with our mission and vision and find a place for themselves in the path ahead.

Our entire Ohio University community is invited to further contribute their voice during the implementation phase of our Dynamic Strategy. Additional information, including ways that you can get involved, is available online.