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Suggested Questions for Reviewers

Please provide a narrative describing your observations and judgments regarding the overall state and quality of the program. Please address, at the minimum, the following questions in your summary. Provide any additional relevant information as needed.

  1. The program as a whole:
    1. Is the current number and distribution of faculty sufficient to carry out the broad overall mission of the unit (Teaching; Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity; Service).
    2. Is the level of the unit’s RSCA appropriate for the program given the size of the faculty and the resources available to the unit? Is the unit’s level of external funding at an appropriate level?
    3. Is the level of service, outside of teaching, appropriate for the program given its size and the role that it plays in the University and broader communities it interacts with? Is the unit able to fulfill its service mission?
    4. Does the unit have an appropriate level of financial resources, staff, physical facilities, library resources, and technology to fulfill its mission?
  2. Undergraduate Program:
    1. Is the unit fulfilling its service role, adequately preparing non- majors for future coursework and/or satisfying the needs for general education?
    2. Is the program attracting majors likely to succeed in the program? Is the number of majors appropriate for the program? Is the program attracting a diverse group of students?
    3. Does the undergraduate curriculum provide majors with an adequate background to pursue discipline-related careers or graduate work following graduation?
    4. Are the resources and the number of and distribution of faculty sufficient to support the undergraduate program?
    5. Are pedagogical practices appropriate? Are program learning outcomes adequately assessed?
    6. Are students able to move into to discipline-related careers and/or pursue further academic work?
  3. Graduate Program:
    1. Is the program attracting students likely to succeed in the program? Is the number of students appropriate for the program? Is the program attracting a diverse group of students?
    2. Does the graduate curriculum provide an adequate background to pursue discipline-related careers following graduation  
    3. Does the program provide adequate mentoring and advising to students to prepare them for discipline-related careers?
    4. Are the resources and the number of and distribution of faculty sufficient to support the graduate program?
    5. Does the program offer appropriate financial support to graduate students?
    6. Are program learning outcomes adequately assessed?
    7. Are students able to move into to discipline-related careers? 
  4. Areas of concern.
  5. Recommendations.
  6. Commendations.
  7. Overall judgment: Is the program viable as a whole?