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Private and Semi-private Lessons

Welcome to the Aquatic Center Learn To Swim Private Lessons. Our instructors can assist you on your path to learn to swim or simply improve your swimming strokes. Our instructors can help you to define your swimming goals and help introduce you to various aquatic exercises and swimming.

Private Lessons 

Private lessons are designed to be individualized for one-on-one instruction, providing more focus on individual developmental needs. Private lessons are great for students, faculty/staff, or community members of all ages and experiences.  You can select 3, 5 or 10 session packages.  Each session is 30 min with the instructor.  

Private Lesson Rates

3 Session Package$75 
5 Session Package $100 
10 Session Package 10 $170 

Semi-private Lessons 

Semi-private lessons are designed for families that have two children of similar swimming abilities, to have lessons at the same time.  These lessons are designed for the development of both swimmers through instruction and skill practice. Session packages are 3, 5 or 10 lesson times.  Each session is 30 min with the instructor.  

Semi-private Lesson Rates

3 Session Package $110 
5 Session Package $130 
10 Session Package 10 $200 

Getting Started is Easy! 

Step 1 

Request Private or Semi-private Lessons (opens in a new window)

This collects information on the participant for tracking lesson progression as well as best times for your lessons.

Please note: This is a request for private lessons. Registration and payment will be collected once you are matched up with an instructor.

Step 2

You will be contacted by the Aquatic Center staff to verify any missing information and get you connected with Private Lesson instructor.  Communication will be completed through email and by phone through the Aquatic Center Front Desk.   

Should you have questions, please email 

Step 3 

One you are assigned a Private Lesson instructor, you will be required to pay for your private lesson package.  This can be done at the front desk prior to the start of your first assigned private lesson.    

Additional Notes: 

  • All Private Lesson Sessions are 30 minutes in length.  
  • The first session will contain an assessment of participant to help create future lesson planning. 
  • Unused Private Lesson sessions do not carry over from academic semester to next, and expire at the end of the academic semester  
  • Personal Private Lesson Sessions are not guaranteed during University sanctioned holidays. 
  • *Unused Individual or Semi-private Lesson sessions do not carry over from Academic Semester without prior approval