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Enrollment and Degree Verification FAQ

What is enrollment verification?

Students often need official verification of their enrollment status sent to various agencies and organizations, including insurance companies, automobile dealers, prospective employers, credit card companies, pension fund companies, U.S. Veterans Affairs (VA), financial aid lenders, loan guarantors, etc.

There are three options to obtain proof of your enrollment at Ohio University:

  • Enrollment verification is a free service offered by the Office of the University Registrar. Students may utilize our online service. For assistance with your OHIO ID and password, please contact the Office of Information Technology 
  • The National Student Clearinghouse offers enrollment verification letters online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a nominal charge.
  • If you do not know your OHIO ID and password, you may contact the Office of the University Registrar to request an enrollment verification letter. Phone 740.593.4324, fax 740.593.0216, or email
What is degree verification?

Degree verification letters confirm that Ohio University degrees have been awarded. If you have your OHIO ID and password, you may utilize our free online service for degree verification. More information regarding your OHIO ID and password is available from OIT

Ohio University has contracted with the National Student Clearinghouse to provide electronic services to the human resources community and others who need verification of Ohio University degrees. You can access the electronic services of the National Student Clearninghouse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you need assistance, contact the National Student Clearinghouse directly at 703.742.4200. Customer service hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET

If you do not know your OHIO ID and password, you may contact the Office of the University Registrar to request a degree verification letter. Phone 740.593.4324, fax 740.593.0216, or email

What information is included on each of the verification letters?

When you place the cursor over the question mark at the end of each option, a brief description of the letter will appear. All letters include:

"Student name

Ohio University code numbers (FICE, CEEB, ACT) and NCA accreditation

Office of the University Registrar address, phone number, fax number, and Web site information

Verification date and time

A 250-character field to add additional information

University Registrar's signature and University seal

A record of who requested the verification letter or to whom the letter is to be sent"

Other common elements that may be included, depending on the type of letter requested: major, degree earned, student standing, expected graduation date, actual graduation date, and the beginning and end date of each term enrolled.

My health insurance company requires proof of enrollment. The insurance company provided a form that must be signed by the University Registrar and the University seal is required. Where should I send the form?

You may print the appropriate verification letter from the choices, attach it to your form, and return it to your insurance company. The University Registrar's signature, the University seal, and the information your insurance company requires is included in the verification letter.

What policy holder information should be included in the memo field on a verification letter that I send to an insurance company?

We recommend that the name of the policyholder and a policyholder ID number be included.

Is there a verification letter for a good student discount?

Each of the following letters contains GPA information:

  • Degree verification including GPA and graduation rank
  • Enrollment verification including most recently calculated accumulative and term (undergraduate students only) GPA
  • Enrollment and degree verification including graduation GPA and graduation rank
What if the expected date of graduation on a verification letter is not correct?

Call the Office of the University Registrar at 740.593.4324 or email to obtain the form to update your expected graduation date.

Can you provide proof of enrollment for the entire upcoming school year?

We can only verify enrollment for the semester(s) in which a student has been or is currently enrolled (registered for classes).

I am a new student who has not yet registered for classes. How can I provide proof of my enrollment to my insurance company?

Once you register for classes during orientation, you may request the appropriate verification letter.

I lost my diploma and I do not want to order a transcript. Is there another option to provide confirmation that my degree was awarded?

A degree verification letter will reflect your degree(s), date(s) awarded, along with other relevant information about your status. The four variations are:

  • Degree verification
  • Degree verification including graduation GPA and rank (rank only available prior to spring quarter of 2011)
  • Enrollment and degree verification
  • Enrollment and degree verification including graduation GPA and graduation rank (rank not available beginning spring quarter of 2011)
Can someone without a student OHIO ID account use the online verification process?

No. For security purposes, authentication of the student is required. More information regarding your OHIO ID and password is available through OIT. If you do not have an OHIO ID and password and need a verification letter, please contact the Office of the University Registrar. Phone 740.593.4324, fax 740.593.0216, or email

Can I get an enrollment verification letter if I am not in an Ohio University campus-based program?

As long as you are registered for internship hours, Global Opportunity classes, or online classes that begin and end in a single semester, the appropriate enrollment status should reflect on a verification letter. Students interested in Independent and Distance Education courses should check with eCampus about their expected enrollment status.

How can I let my lender know that I am still a student?

Ohio University participates in the National Student Clearinghouse, which supplies verification of enrollment to lending agencies. Enrollment data is transmitted electronically from Ohio University to the Clearinghouse several times per semester during fall, spring, and summer.

If your lender needs a deferment form processed, mail the form, signed and dated with the student information portion completed, to Registrar Services, Chubb Hall, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701-2979, or fax to 740.593.0216. We forward all deferment forms to the National Student Clearinghouse.

If you should need enrollment verification for summer semester registration, you may print an enrollment verification letter, attach it to your deferment form, and send it directly to your lender.

More information on how the National Student Clearinghouse may assist you in verifying deferment status can be found on their website.

Some letters have "graduation rank" listed. What is that?

Graduation rank is your position in the total number of students who graduated from Ohio University during the same semester (undergraduates only). For example, your letter may indicate "GRAD RANK: 987 IN TOTAL OF 3280." This indicates there were 3280 undergraduates who graduated in the same term and you were 987th based on your accumulative GPA.

What if none of the above is what I need?

Send an email to or call the Office of the University Registrar at 740.593.4324.