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Fall Semester Combined Exam Schedule 2025-26

Athens Campus Combined Sections Examination Schedule

See Final Examination Schedule (opens in a new window) for classes not having a combined sections examination. 

Courses listed below will have a combined sections examination. Each examination period is two hours. Instructors will notify students of the day, time, and room in which the combined sections examination will be held. Please note courses are not listed alphabetically.

Combined Exam Conflicts

Note: If a combined sections examination conflicts with a regularly scheduled exam, the instructor of the combined sections examination will schedule an alternate time with those students affected by the conflict. When a student finds a conflict between two combined sections final examination schedule below before the opening of the examination period. This instructor will plan a special examination for the student. If a student has an additional conflict, the student will report to the instructor in charge of the second of the two courses as listed in the combined sections final examination schedule below. This instructor will arrange for an examination in this course at another time during the examination period.

Communication will be sent out during fall semester for Combined Sections Exam room assignments and grading information.

Multiple Final Examinations- Resolution

Multiple Final Examinations-Resolution Adopted by Faculty Senate March 12, 2012
Students may not be required to sit for more than three final examinations in one day. Should a student be scheduled for more than three examinations in one day, the student may seek relief from the instructor with the examination scheduled latest in the day. This process must be initiated and completed by the beginning of the thirteenth week of the semester. The instructor will provide an examination for the student at a mutually agreed upon time during the final examination period. 

Updated: March 21, 2025

Course Class NumbersDate of ExaminationExam TimeRoom Location 
ACCT 10106689, 6690, 6691, 6692, 6693, 6694, 6706, 10728Monday, December 8th2:30 p.m.Copeland Hall: 104
Bentley Hall: 124, 132, 140, 227, 233, 236, 240               
ACCT 10206673, 6674, 6675, 6684, 6685, 6699, 3375, 3376, 3661, 3375, 4098,  3853, 4383Tuesday, December 9th2:30 p.m.Bentley Hall: 227, 233, 236, 240                                   
Copeland Hall: 104, 112
ACCT 30406677, 3398Wednesday, December 10th2:30 p.m.Bentley Hall: 129
MATH 11018185, 8186, 8723, 8187, 8817, 9073, 12214Thursday, December 11th2:30 p.m.Morton Hall: 235
MATH 12008189, 8191, 8190, 8237, 8192, 8193, 8194, 8195, 8239, 8236, 8505, 8196, 8240, 8197, 8246, 8247, 8815, 8816, 8827, 8830, 8833, 8834, 9106, 9109, 9112, 10766Thursday, December 11th2:30 p.m.Bentley Hall: 236, 240, 233, 227, 140, 124, 136, 135, 120
MATH 13508200, 8199, 8198, 8207, 8206, 8201, 8202, 8203, 8204, 8205Monday, December 8th2:30 p.m.Morton Hall: 115, 122, 126, 127, 201, 235, 237
MATH 15008539, 8540, 10756Tuesday, December 9th2:30 p.m.Morton Hall: 235
MKT 430010994, 10995, 10996Monday, December 8th2:30 p.m.Bentley Hall: 129
PHYS 20019021, 9022, 9023Tuesday, December 9th2:30 p.m.Walter Hall: 135, 145, 235, 245
PHYS 20548655, 8656, 9008 Tuesday, December 9th2:30 p.m.Morton Hall: 201
PHYS 20558695, 8696, 8698, 8699,
8700, 8701, 8702, 8703, 8704,
8705, 8706, 8707, 8708, 8709   
Wednesday, December 10th2:30 p.m.Bentley Hall: 240
PHYS 20568878Wednesday, December 10th2:30 p.m.Morton Hall: 127
PHYS 20578971, 8972, 9565, 8973, 8974, 8975, 9068, 9569Thursday, December 11th2:30 p.m.Bentley Hall: 129
PSY 21108930, 8931, 7778, 7779, 7644, 9406, 7777, 9440, 11768, 7807, 7814, 9107, 9594, 9595Wednesday, December 10th2:30 p.m.Morton Hall: 201, 235, 237, 122, 126
QBA 17206988, 6989, 6990, 6991, 6992, 7009, 7013, 7014, 7015Thursday, December 11th2:30 p.m.Online