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Priority Registration Projections Fall 2024-25

Note: Accumulative hours are based on hours earned as of September 11, 2023.

HTC Students and Students with Disabilities 

Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Monday, April 18:00 a.m.HTC Students (96 or greater)HTC0115015024,228
Monday, April 18:30 a.m.HTC Students (96.00 through 16.00 )HTC0214029023,938
Monday, April 19:30 a.m.Students with disabilities (Grad)DISAG11540523,823
Monday, April 110:00 a.m.Students with disabilities (117.00 or greater)D000110050523,723
Monday, April 110:30 a.m.Students with disabilities (117.00 through 102.00)D000210060523,623
Monday, April 111:00 a.m.Students with disabilities (102.00 through 90.00)D000310070523,523
Monday, April 111:30 a.m.Students with disabilities (90.00 through 81.00)D000410080523,423
Monday, April 112:00 p.m.Students with disabilities (81.00 through 72.00)D000510090523,323
Monday, April 112:30 p.m.Students with disabilities (72.00 through 63.00)D00061001,00523,223
Monday, April 11:00 p.m.Students with disabilities (62.00 through 54.00)D00071001,10523,123
Monday, April 11:30 p.m.Students with disabilities (53.00 through 47.00)D00081001,20523,023
Monday, April 12:00 p.m.Students with disabilities (47.00 through 39.00)D00091001,30522,923
Monday, April 12:30 p.m.Students with disabilities (39.00 through 27.00)D00101001,40522,823
Monday, April 13:00 p.m.Students with disabilities (27.00 through 18.00)D00111001,50522,723
Monday, April 13:30 p.m.Students with disabilities (17.00 through 14.00)D00121001,60522,623
Monday, April 14:00 p.m.Students with disabilities (14.00 through 0.00)D0013611,66622,562

HCOM Students

Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Tuesday, April 211:00 a.m.HCOMHCOM18822,54821,680

Graduate Students

Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Tuesday, April 21:00 p.m.131.00 or greaterGR0011502,69821,530
Tuesday, April 21:30 p.m.131.00 through 103.00GR0021502,84821,380
Tuesday, April 22:00 p.m.102.00 through 86.00GR0031502,99821,230
Tuesday, April 22:30 p.m.86.00 through 72.00GR0041503,14821,080
Tuesday, April 23:00 p.m.72.00 through 60.00GR0051503,29820,930
Tuesday, April 23:30 p.m.60.00 through 52.00GR0061503,44820,780
Tuesday, April 24:00 p.m.52.00 through 46.00GR0071503,59820,630
Wednesday, April 38:00 a.m.46.00 through 41.00GR0081503,74820,480
Wednesday, April 38:30 a.m.41.00 through 35.00GR0091503,89820,330
Wednesday, April 39:00 a.m.35.00 through 31.00GR0101504,04820,180
Wednesday, April 39:30 a.m.31.00 through 26.00GR0111504,19820,030
Wednesday, April 310:00 a.m.26.00 through 24.00GR0121504,34819,880
Wednesday, April 310:30 a.m.24.00 through 20.00GR0131504,49819,730
Wednesday, April 311:00 a.m.20.00 through 18.00GR0141504,64819,580
Wednesday, April 311:30 a.m.18.00 through 18.00GR0151504,79819,430
Wednesday, April 312:00 p.m.18.00 through 16.00GR0161504,94819,280
Wednesday, April 312:30 p.m.16.00 through 15.00GR0171505,09819,130
Wednesday, April 31:00 p.m.15.00 through 12.00GR0181505,24818,980
Wednesday, April 31:30 p.m.12.00 through 12.00GR0191505,39818,830
Wednesday, April 32:00 p.m.12.00 through 9.00GR0201505,54818,680
Wednesday, April 32:30 p.m.9.00 through 7.00GR0211505,69818,530
Wednesday, April 33:00 p.m.7.00 through 6.00GR0221505,84818,380
Wednesday, April 33:30 p.m.6.00 through 6.00GR0231505,99818,230
Thursday, April 48:00 a.m.6.00 through 0.00GR0241506,14818,080
Thursday, April 48:30 a.m.0.00 through 0.00GR0251506,29817,930
Thursday, April 49:00 a.m.0.00 through 0.00GR0261506,44817,780
Thursday, April 49:30 a.m.0.00 through 0.00GR0271126,56017,668

Undergraduate Students

Senior Athletes/College Honors/Cutler Scholars/Ohio Honors/ROTC/Veterans/1804 Scholars

Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Thursday, April 42:30 p.m.Sr. Athletes/College Honors/Cutler Scholars/Ohio Honors/ROTC/Veterans/1804 ScholarsVACS015497,10917,119


Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Friday, April 58:00 a.m.205.00 or greaterSR00011757,28416,944
Friday, April 58:30 a.m.204.00 through 182.00SR00021757,45916,769
Friday, April 59:00 a.m.182.00 through 163.00SR00031757,63416,594
Friday, April 59:30 a.m.163.00 through 151.00SR00041757,80916,419
Friday, April 510:00 a.m.151.00 through 143.00SR00051757,98416,244
Friday, April 510:30 a.m.143.00 through 138.00SR00061758,15916,069
Friday, April 511:00 a.m.138.00 through 133.00SR00071758,33415,894
Friday, April 511:30 a.m.133.00 through 129.00SR00081758,50915,719
Friday, April 512:00 p.m.129.00 through 125.00SR00091758,68415,544
Friday, April 512:30 p.m.125.00 through 122.00SR00101758,85915,369
Friday, April 51:00 p.m.122.00 through 120.00SR00111759,03415,194
Friday, April 51:30 p.m.120.00 through 117.00SR00121759,20915,019
Friday, April 52:00 p.m.117.00 through 115.00SR00131759,38414,844
Friday, April 52:30 p.m.115.00 through 113.00SR00141759,55914,669
Friday, April 53:00 p.m.113.00 through 111.00SR00151759,73414,494
Friday, April 53:30 p.m.111.00 through 109.00SR00161759,90914,319
Friday, April 54:00 p.m.109.00 through 108.00SR001717510,08414,144
Monday, April 88:00 a.m.108.00 through 106.00SR001817510,25913,969
Monday, April 88:30 a.m.106.00 through 104.00SR001917510,43413,794
Monday, April 89:00 a.m.104.00 through 102.00SR002017510,60913,619
Monday, April 89:30 a.m.102.00 through 100.00SR002117510,78413,444
Monday, April 810:00 a.m.100.00 through 98.00SR002217510,95913,269
Monday, April 810:30 a.m.98.00 through 96.00SR002317511,13413,094
Monday, April 811:00 a.m.96.00 through 95.00SR002417511,30912,919
Monday, April 811:30 a.m.95.00 through 93.00SR002517511,48412,744
Monday, April 812:00 p.m.93.00 through 91.00SR002617511,65912,569
Monday, April 812:30 p.m.91.00 through 90.00SR002716911,82812,400

Junior Athletes/College Honors/Cutler Scholars/Ohio Honors/ROTC/Veterans/1804 Scholars

Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Tuesday, April 910:00 a.m.Jr. Athletes/College Honors/Cutler Scholars/Ohio Honors/ROTC/Veterans/1804 ScholarsVACJ0148012,30811,920


Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Tuesday, April 91:00 p.m.89.00 or greaterJU000112512,43311,795
Tuesday, April 91:30 p.m.89.00 through 87.00JU000212512,55811,670
Tuesday, April 92:00 p.m.87.00 through 86.00JU000312512,68311,545
Tuesday, April 92:30 p.m.86.00 through 85.00JU000412512,80811,420
Tuesday, April 93:00 p.m.85.00 through 84.00JU000512512,93311,295
Tuesday, April 93:30 p.m.84.00 through 83.00JU000612513,05811,170
Tuesday, April 94:00 p.m.83.00 through 82.00JU000712513,18311,045
Wednesday, April 108:00 a.m.82.00 through 81.00JU000812513,30810,920
Wednesday, April 108:30 a.m.81.00 through 80.00JU000912513,43310,795
Wednesday, April 109:00 a.m.80.00 through 79.00JU001012513,55810,670
Wednesday, April 109:30 a.m.79.00 through 78.00JU001112513,68310,545
Wednesday, April 1010:00 a.m.78.00 through 77.00JU001212513,80810,420
Wednesday, April 1010:30 a.m.77.00 through 76.00JU001312513,93310,295
Wednesday, April 1011:00 a.m.76.00 through 75.00JU001412514,05810,170
Wednesday, April 1011:30 a.m.75.00 through 74.00JU001512514,18310,045
Wednesday, April 1012:00 p.m.74.00 through 73.00JU001612514,3089,920
Wednesday, April 1012:30 p.m.73.00 through 72.00JU001712514,4339,795
Wednesday, April 101:00 p.m.72.00 through 71.00JU001812514,5589,670
Wednesday, April 101:30 p.m.71.00 through 70.00JU001912514,6839,545
Wednesday, April 102:00 p.m.70.00 through 69.00JU002012514,8089,420
Wednesday, April 102:30 p.m.69.00 through 68.00JU002112514,9339,295
Wednesday, April 103:00 p.m.68.00 through 66.00JU002212515,0589,170
Wednesday, April 103:30 p.m.66.00 through 65.00JU002312515,1839,045
Thursday, April 118:00 a.m.65.00 through 64.00JU002412515,3088,920
Thursday, April 118:30 a.m.64.00 through 62.00JU002512515,4338,795
Thursday, April 119:00 a.m.62.00 through 61.00JU002612515,5588,670
Thursday, April 119:30 a.m.61.00 through 60.00JU002712515,6838,545
Thursday, April 1110:00 a.m.60.00 through 60.00JU00283715,7208,508

Sophomores Athletes/College Honors/Cutler Scholars/Ohio Honors/ROTC/Veterans/1804 Scholars

Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Friday, April 128:00 a.m.Soph. Athletes/College Honors/Cutler Scholars/Ohio Honors/ROTC/Veterans/1804 ScholarsVACSO0153016,2507,978


Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Friday, April 1211:00 a.m.58.00 or greaterSOPH00113516,3857,843
Friday, April 1211:30 a.m.58.00 through 57.00SOPH00213516,5207,708
Friday, April 1212:00 p.m.57.00 through 56.00SOPH00313516,6557,573
Friday, April 1212:30 p.m.56.00 through 55.00SOPH00413516,7907,438
Friday, April 121:00 p.m.55.00 through 53.00SOPH00513516,9257,303
Friday, April 121:30 p.m.53.00 through 52.00SOPH00613517,0607,168
Friday, April 122:00 p.m.52.00 through 51.00SOPH00713517,1957,033
Friday, April 122:30 p.m.51.00 through 50.00SOPH00813517,3306,898
Friday, April 123:00 p.m.50.00 through 49.00SOPH00913517,4656,763
Friday, April 123:30 p.m.49.00 through 48.00SOPH01013517,6006,628
Friday, April 124:00 p.m.48.00 through 48.00SOPH01113517,7356,493
Monday, April 158:00 a.m.48.00 through 47.00SOPH01213517,8706,358
Monday, April 158:30 a.m.47.00 through 46.00SOPH01313518,0056,223
Monday, April 159:00 a.m.46.00 through 45.00SOPH01413518,1406,088
Monday, April 159:30 a.m.45.00 through 45.00SOPH01513518,2755,953
Monday, April 1510:00 a.m.45.00 through 44.00SOPH01613518,4105,818
Monday, April 1510:30 a.m.44.00 through 43.00SOPH01713518,5455,683
Monday, April 1511:00 a.m.43.00 through 42.00SOPH01813518,6805,548
Monday, April 1511:30 a.m.42.00 through 40.00SOPH01913518,8155,413
Monday, April 1512:00 p.m.40.00 through 39.00SOPH02013518,9505,278
Monday, April 1512:30 p.m.39.00 through 38.00SOPH02113519,0855,143
Monday, April 151:00 p.m.38.00 through 37.00SOPH02213519,2205,008
Monday, April 151:30 p.m.37.00 through 36.00SOPH02313519,3554,873
Monday, April 152:00 p.m.36.00 through 34.00SOPH02413519,4904,738
Monday, April 152:30 p.m.34.00 through 33.00SOPH02513519,6254,603
Monday, April 153:00 p.m.33.00 through 32.00SOPH02613519,7604,468
Monday, April 153:30 p.m.32.00 through 30.00SOPH02713519,8954,333
Tuesday, April 168:00 a.m.30.00 through 30.00SOPH0288819,9834,245

Freshman Athletes/College Honors/Cutler Scholars/Ohio Honors/ROTC/Veterans/1804 Scholars

Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Tuesday, April 169:00 a.m.Fresh. Athletes/College Honors/Cutler Scholars/Ohio Honors/ROTC/Veterans/1804 ScholarsVACF0130920,2923,936


Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Tuesday, April 1610:00 a.m.28.00 or higherFR000113520,4273,801
Tuesday, April 1610:30 a.m.28.00 through 27.00FR000213520,5623,666
Tuesday, April 1611:00 a.m.27.00 through 26.00FR000313520,6973,531
Tuesday, April 1611:30 a.m.26.00 through 24.00FR000413520,8323,396
Tuesday, April 1612:00 p.m.24.00 through 23.00FR000513520,9673,261
Tuesday, April 1612:30 p.m.23.00 through 22.00FR000613521,1023,126
Tuesday, April 161:00 p.m.22.00 through 20.00FR000713521,2372,991
Tuesday, April 161:30 p.m.20.00 through 19.00FR000813521,3722,856
Tuesday, April 162:00 p.m.19.00 through 18.00FR000913521,5072,721
Tuesday, April 162:30 p.m.18.00 through 17.00FR001013521,6422,586
Tuesday, April 163:00 p.m.17.00 through 17.00FR001113521,7772,451
Tuesday, April 163:30 p.m.17.00 through 16.00FR001213521,9122,316
Wednesday, April 178:00 a.m.16.00 through 16.00FR001313522,0472,181
Wednesday, April 178:30 a.m.16.00 through 16.00FR001413522,1822,046
Wednesday, April 179:00 a.m.16.00 through 15.00FR001513522,3171,911
Wednesday, April 179:30 a.m.15.00 through 15.00FR001613522,4521,776
Wednesday, April 1710:00 a.m.15.00 through 15.00FR001713522,5871,641
Wednesday, April 1710:30 a.m.15.00 through 15.00FR001813522,7221,506
Wednesday, April 1711:00 a.m.15.00 through 14.00FR001913522,8571,371
Wednesday, April 1711:30 a.m.14.00 through 13.00FR002013522,9921,236
Wednesday, April 1712:00 p.m.13.00 through 12.00FR002113523,1271,101
Wednesday, April 1712:30 p.m.12.00 through 10.00FR002213523,262966
Wednesday, April 171:00 p.m.10.00 through 7.00FR002313523,397831
Wednesday, April 171:30 p.m.6.00 through 0.00FR002413523,532696
Wednesday, April 172:00 p.m.0.00 through 0.00FR002513523,667561
Wednesday, April 172:30 p.m.0.00 through 0.00FR002612223,789439

High School Students

Registration DateTimeIf Accumulative Hours Earned AreReg GroupNumber of Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber Students Already Eligible to RegisterNumber of Students Yet to Become Eligible to Register
Thursday, April 188:00 a.m.9.00 or greaterCC+110023,889339
Thursday, April 188:30 a.m.9.00 through 4.00CC+210023,989239
Thursday, April 189:00 a.m.4.00 through 3.00CC+310024,089139
Thursday, April 189:30 a.m.3.00 through 0.00CC+410024,18939
Thursday, April 1810:00 a.m.0.00 through 0.00CC+53924,2280