Tuition and Fees
Course Fees 2024-25Registrar Fees
Fee Assessment Information
Semester fees include the instructional fee and the general fee. Tuition and fee rates are available at the Office of the Bursar. (opens in a new window) This figure excludes course fees, which are listed in the Course Offerings (opens in a new window). Ohio University reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any fee adjustments that may become necessary.
Fees are assessed based on the following:
I. Campus
Fees vary based on the campus on which student is registered.
II. Course Load
Standard fees are charged when an undergraduate student schedules 12 or more semester hours and a graduate student schedules nine or more semester hours. Part-time fees are charged when an undergraduate student schedules fewer than 12 semester hours and a graduate student fewer than nine semester hours. An Extra-Hour fee is charged for each hour beyond 20 semester hours for undergraduate students and 18 semester hours for graduate students.
III. The Level of the Student (graduate or undergraduate) NOT the Level of the Course
Undergraduate students may not schedule graduate-level courses unless they are admitted to a special program for this purpose. Graduate students taking undergraduate courses pay graduate fees.
IV. The Residence Classification of the Student
The difference between resident fees and nonresident fees is the out-of-state surcharge for non-Ohio residents. Petitions for change of residency must be submitted to either Undergraduate Admissions or the Graduate College prior to the last day to register for class for the term you wish reclassification.
V. Course Fees
Course fees are assessed in addition to instructional and general fees. Course fees for specific classes are listed in the Course Offerings (opens in a new window).
VI. Insurance
Ohio University requires that all domestic students taking five or more semester hours and all international students taking one or more semester hours carry medical insurance if they are enrolled on the Athens campus. An accident and sickness insurance plan designed to supplement the care provided by the Student Health Service is automatically billed to all students meeting this guideline. Domestic students can complete a waiver declaration, if they have comparable coverage. The deadline to opt out of the student health insurance is listed on the Academic Calendar . A waiver can be submitted through the MyOHIO Student Center (opens in a new window) or Go OHIO (opens in a new window). International students on all campuses must carry the Ohio University Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan unless they are eligible for a waiver. If an international student is eligible for a waiver, the student must apply for the waiver at the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) by the deadline stated above.
The accident and sickness insurance plan is also available for dependents. International students are required to purchase the Ohio University policy for their dependent spouses and children. An enrollment card for dependents is available at the Campus Care insurance office. The insurance premium is a nonrefundable charge.
Regional campus students should contact their regional campus student services office for enrollment information. Regional campus students are not automatically enrolled in an insurance plan. Regional campus students must be enrolled in nine or more semester hours to be eligible.
For further information about the Ohio University Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan, contact Campus Care (opens in a new window), 740.597.1816, 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m., Monday–Friday.
VII. WellBeing Fee*
The Wellbeing Fee is a university discount program that helps reduce patient costs for select services through Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS). Students, who are not covered under Guaranteed Tuition Plan, are automatically charged the Wellbeing fee of $45 each semester if they are registered for one or more credit hour through specific programs. View more information regarding Wellbeing Fee coverage. The deadline to opt out of this service is listed on the Academic Calendar. A waiver can be submitted through the MyOHIO Student Center (opens in a new window) or Go OHIO (opens in a new window). A waiver must be submitted each semester if opting out of the WellBeing fee. Students enrolled in the Guaranteed Tuition Plan do not pay this additional fee; therefore, they are not included in this waiver.
*This fee does not apply to students in The OHIO Guarantee.
VIII. Student Legal Service Fee
The Center for Student Legal Services (CSLS) is entirely supported by the fee. All Athens campus students are automatically billed the student legal service fee. Remember, for only $12 you can talk with an attorney and get advice, information, and free mediation referrals.
Regional campus students are not eligible for this service, but multi-campus students may be eligible. If a student takes classes on the Athens campus as well as a regional campus, it is the student's responsibility to have his/her home campus code changed to Athens to be eligible for this service. The student must contact Registrar Services, first floor, Chubb Hall, or regional campus student services office to have the campus code changed.
Unlike the Student Health Insurance program, the CSLS fee must be processed each semester. All Athens campus students will be charged and enrolled each semester. The deadline to opt out of this service is listed on the Academic Calendar. A waiver can be submitted through the MyOHIO Student Center (opens in a new window) or Go OHIO (opens in a new window).
For more information regarding this service, visit
IX. Technology Fee**
Several colleges assess a technology fee to their students. Students with majors in one or more of those colleges will be assessed a fee for computing and other types of technology (regardless of schedule). Detailed information is available by accessing the Office of the Bursar. (opens in a new window) Students who are being charged a technology fee for a college where they are no longer pursing a degree should contact that college to officially drop the program. Graduate students should contact the Graduate College. Requests should be made prior to the end of the second week of the semester.
**This fee does not apply to students in The OHIO Guarantee.
X. Zanesville Security Fee
An $8 security fee is assessed as part of the regular tuition for any course taken on the Zanesville campus.
XI. Student Information and Network Fee***
A student information and network fee is assessed each semester. The fee is $33 per student per semester for students assessed standard fees. For more information, visit the Office of the Bursar.
***This fee does not apply to students in The OHIO Guarantee.
Semester Registration
Financial aid awards will display in MyOHIO Student Center (opens in a new window). All financial aid recipients must pay the balance by the due date. Account balance notifications for newly incurred charges are emailed at the beginning of each month and are due on the 21st of the month. Payments not received by the due date will incur a late fee of 1.5%.
Payment/Due Date
The initial due date for semester fees can be found by accessing Account Balances on the Office of the Bursar's webpage.
Payment Plan
If you wish to pay semester fees in installments, you may enroll in a Payment Plan on the Office of the Bursar's webpage.
Payment Method
For more information on payment methods, visit Payment Methods on the Office of the Bursar's webpage.
Late Registration Penalty
Registration is not permitted after the Friday of the second week of the semester. In cases where late registration is necessary, students who are in attendance by the Friday of the second week of the semester but fail to complete any registration procedures must pay a $150.00 penalty for retroactive registration correction.*
*Approved by Board of Trustees 8/18/20
Financial Aid Refund Information
I. Refund of Housing Charges
See Housing Contract Terms and Conditions for the refund schedule for housing charges.
II. Reduction of Registration Fees - Withdrawal from the University and Withdrawal from a Class
Official cancellation from the University, dropping all classes before the first day of classes, entitles the student to a 100 percent reduction of tuition and fees. Official withdrawal between the first day of the semester and the Friday of the second week of the semester entitles the student to an 80 percent reduction of tuition and fees. There is NO reduction of tuition and fees for withdrawals after the Friday of the second week of the semester.
If a student withdraws from the University before completing full payment of fees, he/she is considered indebted to the University for the amount determined according to the refund regulations. Dropping a class between the first day of the semester and the Friday of the second week of the semester entitles a student to a 100 percent reduction if the reduction places the student in a lower fee category. All courses dropped after the Friday of the second week of the semester will not result in a fee change. Corrected registration that results in increased hours could increase tuition.
III. Reduction of Registration Fees — Flexibly Scheduled Classes
Flexibly scheduled classes are classes that do not meet for the full session/semester. Therefore, the last day to add, drop, or withdraw from classes might be different from the dates listed in the Academic Calendar. Deadlines to add, drop, and withdraw can be viewed on Course Offerings. Contact the Office of the University Registrar, Chubb Hall, 740.593.4324, or your regional campus student services office for more information.
IV. Withdrawal Policy for Financial Aid Recipients
Federal Student Aid
Students receiving aid from Title IV programs who withdraw or stop attending all classes for their enrollment period are subject to U.S. Department of Education's Federal Return of Title IV Funds calculation. The Title IV programs that are covered by this law are: Federal Pell Grants, Federal Direct Student Loan, PLUS and Grad PLUS Loans, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs), and Federal Perkins Loan.
The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined on a prorata basis based on the date of withdrawal or last date of attendance reported on the grade report. For example, if you completed 30% of your payment period or period of enrollment, you earn 30% of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60% of the payment period of enrollment, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period.
The requirements for Title IV program funds when you withdraw are separate from any Ohio University refund policy. Therefore, you may still owe funds to cover unpaid institutional charges. You may also be charged for any Title IV program funds that Ohio University is required to return. See General Information: Payment/Due Date: Refund Information for more details.
State of Ohio Aid
Policies for the return for State of Ohio aid when a student withdraws are determined by the Ohio Board of Regents.
Institutional Grants
Policies regarding eligibility when a student withdraws vary depending on the type of institutional grant awarded.
Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Loans and Scholarships
If you receive financial aid that consists of Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Scholarships, Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students, Loans for Disadvantaged Students, Primary Care Loans, or other non-Title IV aid, you are subject to a special University policy. If you officially withdraw during the first two weeks of the semester, 100% of the scholarship funds will be returned to the appropriate program. After the first two weeks of the semester, 100% of the scholarship funds will remain on your student account.
Enrollment Status
If you are receiving financial aid, a change in your enrollment status or your withdrawal from the University may result in you having to repay programs from which you received financial assistance. In addition, you may owe fees to the University after funds are returned to the financial aid programs.
A student is not eligible for a refund until all Federal Title IV programs and other grants and scholarships are reimbursed as required and all outstanding balances with the University have been cleared.
V. Withdrawal Policy for International Students
International students (F-1 or J-1 status) must meet with an advisor in the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) (opens in a new window) prior to withdrawing from all classes or dropping below full-time enrollment.
Enrollment Status for Financial Aid Recipients
Full-time enrollment is 12 semester hours for undergraduate students and nine semester hours for graduate students. Undergraduate students must be registered full time (at least 12 semester hours) to receive the maximum amount of any grant. Most Ohio University Athens campus undergraduate scholarship recipients must be registered for at least 15 semester hours per semester and earn at least 30 semester hours for the academic year. Federal Direct Student, PLUS , and Grad PLUS Loan recipients must be registered at least half time (six undergraduate semester hours or five graduate semester hours) to receive these loans. Aid recipients registered for less than full-time enrollment may be eligible to receive a proportionately adjusted award amount for certain aid programs.
Financial Aid Credits
The financial aid credits that may be applied to your account include the following: Federal Pell Grant, the Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), TEACH Grant, Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Direct Student , PLUS , and Grad PLUS Loans, Ohio University Grants, Ohio University and Corporate Scholarships, and Outside Agency Scholarships (applied once donor check has been received and deposited by the University). If you have been selected for verification, no disbursements of federal, state, or institutional aid will be made unless all requested documents have been received and processed. Federal Work-Study awards are not credited to your account. Those funds are disbursed biweekly in the form of a payroll check or direct deposit, based on your hours worked for that pay period.
Financial Aid Refunds
Financial aid awards that exceed the amount you owe to the University will be disbursed to you as a "refund(s)" during the semester if you have satisfied the eligibility requirements for each award (i.e., enrolled for sufficient hours, meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards, not in default on Title IV Loan, etc.)
For more information about refunds and important dates see Refunds on the Office of the Bursar's webpage.
Withdrawal Information for Financial Aid Recipients
Federal Student Aid
Students receiving aid from Title IV programs who withdraw or stop attending all classes for their enrollment period are subject to U.S. Department of Education's Federal Return of Title IV Funds calculation. The Title IV programs that are covered by this law are: Federal Pell Grants, Federal Direct Student Loan, PLUS and Grad PLUS Loans, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs), and Federal Perkins Loan.
The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined on a prorata basis based on the date of withdrawal or last date of attendance reported on the grade report. For example, if you completed 30% of your payment period or period of enrollment, you earn 30% of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60% of the payment period of enrollment, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period.
The requirements for Title IV program funds when you withdraw are separate from any Ohio University refund policy. Therefore, you may still owe funds to cover unpaid institutional charges. You may also be charged for any Title IV program funds that Ohio University is required to return. See Payment/Due Date: Refund Information for more details.
State of Ohio Aid
Policies for the return for State of Ohio aid when a student withdraws are determined by the Ohio Board of Regents.
Institutional Grants
Policies regarding eligibility when a student withdraws vary depending on the type of institutional grant awarded.
Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Loans and Scholarships
If you receive financial aid that consists of Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Scholarships, Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students, Loans for Disadvantaged Students, Primary Care Loans, or other non-Title IV aid, you are subject to a special University policy. If you officially withdraw during the first two weeks of the semester, 100% of the scholarship funds will be returned to the appropriate program. After the first two weeks of the semester, 100% of the scholarship funds will remain on your student account.
Enrollment Status
If you are receiving financial aid, a change in your enrollment status or your withdrawal from the University may result in you having to repay programs from which you received financial assistance. In addition, you may owe fees to the University after funds are returned to the financial aid programs.
A student is not eligible for a refund until all Federal Title IV programs and other grants and scholarships are reimbursed as required and all outstanding balances with the University have been cleared.