
Can Interthyr be Ohio U's next commercialization success story?

Ohio University research officials hope drug development spin-off company Interthyr Corp. is their next big success, following on the heels of Diagnostic Hybrids.

New firm to develop Ohio University "pee power" wastewater remediation technology

E3 Technologies, LLC, a new firm based in Athens, Ohio, will develop an Ohio University invention called the "GreenBox" designed to clean commercial and agricultural wastewater and produce hydrogen energy - a technology that's been described as "pee power."

Ohio University's research licensing income rises to $8.2 million

Ohio University reported $8.2 million in income from its research technologies in fiscal year 2010, the majority of which came from licenses for health and medical advances for growth hormone and thyroid disorders.

Horizon Awarded $66.4 Million to Extend Broadband Network in 34 Ohio Counties

After 10 years on the digital divide, Reid Consulting Group (RCG) got the big win announced August 18 by Vice President Biden of the $95 million Horizon-BTOP funded project.

Ohio Gets Business Friendly with Tax Cuts

At a time when some states are considering job-killing tax hikes to make up for budget deficits, one state is in the final phase of lowering its business taxes to a point that small business owners can collect their first $1 million in receipts virtually free of state taxes.

ARC co-chair applauds job-creating OU incubator

A recently appointed federal official visited southeast Ohio for the first time Tuesday to tour the Ohio University Innovation Center, where he got a feel for how the center creates both jobs and income for the Athens County and the surrounding region.

Innovation Center creates jobs, income for Athens County

The businesses incubated by the Ohio University Innovation Center generated 152 jobs and $9.4 million in labor income in Athens County in 2009, according to a new economic impact study.

Event showcases growing regional biotechnology industry

Ohio University co-sponsored the third annual BioVenture Showcase today to highlight the grwoing biotechnology industry - sparked, in part, by its faculty research and technologies - in southeastern Ohio.

Third Frontier awards $3 million for algae research at Ohio University

Ohio University has received nearly $3 million from the state's Third Frontier Wright Projects Program to enhance its facilities for algae research. The project supports a growing industry in Ohio to harness the plant for alternative energy innovations and air pollution mitigation.

Strickland announces $100,00 grant to Voinovich School for energy projects

Gov. Ted Strickland announced on Monday a $100,00 grant for energy efficiency and renewable energy services work at Ohio University's Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs.