Austin Babrow, Ph.D.

Austin Babrow (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Communication Studies at Ohio University. His teaching and research focus on the intersection of communication, uncertainty, and values, and particularly the social construction of uncertainty and the profound values associated with environmental and health risk. He has become active in the local and national movement to limit climate disruption (e.g., advocating for sustainable energy, working to limit high pressure slickwater fracking).
Professor Babrow has published research in many communication, medical, and health journals and has received numerous awards for research and teaching. In addition, he has been elected Chair of both the Health Communication and Communication as Social Construction Divisions of the National Communication Association, participated twice as scholar-mentor in NCA Doctoral Honors Seminars, and has served on the editorial board of many national and international communication journals.