Carolina A. Herrera Céspedes, M.A.

Carolina A. Herrera Céspedes (M.A., Universidad Internacional de la Rioja; M.A., Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; B.A., Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador) focuses on the intersections of health communication, public health, and urban environments. Her research explores how communication strategies, particularly in risk and uncertainty communication, can influence public understanding and health behaviors in the context of infectious and non-communicable diseases. Carolina's work is deeply interdisciplinary, examining how cities and urban environments shape health outcomes, particularly in Latin American settings. Prior to her doctoral studies, she worked as a communication specialist for a Health Research Center and consulted with various NGOs and higher education institutions in Ecuador. She is also actively exploring the potential of arts in health interventions as a service-linked component of her academic work.