Nicole Blau, Ph.D.

Nicole Blau, Ph.D.
Professor – Lancaster Campus
Brasee Hall 538 Ext. 13379
email address

Dr. Nicole Blau is Professor of Communication Studies at Ohio University Lancaster. Beginning at Ohio University Lancaster in Fall 2008, Dr. Blau has taught several Communication Studies courses including interpersonal communication, communication theory, introduction to communication studies, public speaking, nonverbal communication, small group communication, and communication research methods. In addition, Dr. Blau has held many leadership positions at Ohio University as well as in state and regional Communication Associations. Particularly, Dr. Blau serves as Faculty Secretary and Executive Committee member at Ohio University Lancaster, Chair of the Research and Curriculum Development Committee, Faculty Advisor of the Xi Gamma Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta (a National Honors Society for Communication Studies majors), and Editor of the Ohio Communication Journal. Dr. Blau earned her M.A. in Communication in 2002 at Miami University and continued to teach full time at that university for three years. In 2005, she began her doctoral studies at the University of Kentucky, earning her Ph.D. in 2008. Dr. Blau’s primary area of research includes a cross-section of instructional and interpersonal communication.